Wednesday 29 July 2015

The Guest

The moments of despondency
Mystifying her soul
Whirled its course
Leaving the print of its hushed trails
For him to supervene
Overlooking the scars
The wind blew fading them away
As the years passed like a cupid’s arrow
The abysmal wait for the familiar guest
Continued like an infinite string of memories
Borne out of grief
 Making her young feet tad old
Her fingers, rosy white to pale yellow
She still ardently waited for the knock at her door
Her prudence and composure grew more and more
Hoping for the guest to arrive soon
But time is wild like an untamable fire
Unstoppable, endless like human desires
Time flew like a nonchalant bird
Testing her endurance
As she craved for her twin soul

 But one winter day, she peeped out of the window
Watching the snowflakes dancing in a insouciant way
She had put a hackneyed cassette in the stereo
As she rested on the old rickety arm chair
 Listening to their favourite songs
Reminiscing over the veteran thoughts
Flipping them one by one carefully
Like the pages of an archaic diary
The cold wind rushed through the window
Making the curtains swirl in a monotonous tune
Touching her sagging face
As her soaring hair broke the silence into roars
Oouch it hurt!
Her restless heart complained
“A century passed, still whom are you waiting for?”
Her silver locks glistened in the lamp light
Portraying a surreal resemblance
With the white cloud hung in the sky
A smile escaped through her lips
Chuckling at her heart’s stupidity
She gazed at the sky once again
As her eyes twinkled
Radiating a heavenly radiance
“My death sweet heart! And today my wait will be over.
My beloved soul is waiting beyond this overcast-ted sky”
And she closed her eyes
Drowning every essence of her existence
Into the infinite love she had bore
Her frowning heart got respite
As solemn festivity descended over it
Chuckling all its way
 Beyond the stars !


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