Saturday 11 July 2015

Mixed Moments !

I was lying awake on my bed as the waves of anticipation engulfed me, making me tensed and thrilled at the same time. The college was gonna start within a couple of days and this was going to be my last day or precisely last night at home. It was kinda overwhelming. I had spend one of the best times of my life, wrapped around with the in numerous strings of memories, this summer and it did succeed in convincing me for a moment that it would be for a long time. But then as I was lying on my cozy bed with my favourite pillow, comforted by the familiar surrounding, it dawned upon me that nothing stays for a long time, no matter how hard you try to hold on to them. They might be the old scars you are holding on to or the happy times, ultimately, they become just memories. It solely depends on you which one you wanna keep with you.

After tossing and turning for a long while, I finally won over the evil insomnia. As people say or as I have believed, new morning brings new hopes, new emotions and thus there I was feeling this extreme bounding home sickness as I got ready to catch my train, my mom had cooked my favourite breakfast making my urge of staying at home longer a little stronger. But a girl does what she has got to do. So, daddy and I got into the car after loading my jumbo bag (No matter how small or big my bag would be when I go home, it always become double the size while I am returning to Hostel, Thanks! Mom J ).

It was raining so heavily as our car drove past the hundreds of trucks and buses we came across. The weather looked forlorn, making the atmosphere dull as if it was mourning over some loss. A moment of silence passed and then daddy and I began discussing and joking about some old treasured incidents till we reached the station. Now, my anticipation was further aggravated as the excitement to meet my friends began taking over. After ten minutes, my train arrived and not to mention how comfortable it was to board the train with my jumbo bag!

After a little hassle, I found my seat, placed my bag safely on its place and there I saw my friends, smiling and waving at me. Right that moment, all my doubts and fears were gone. Though a tinge of excitement still was tingling inside me. The rest of the journey was a blend of fun and soothing comfort.  Finally when we reached our beloved destination, Burla; it hit me that this wasn’t the end, the journey had just begun! 


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