Wednesday 15 July 2015

The Forsaken Soul

She wandered through the untrodden path
Not a coward but surely perplexed she was
Juggling through billions of thoughts screaming inside her mind
She pondered over the past
Looking at the familiar people, searching for a frozen lie
Time was her only healer,
A benevolent care taker
From the witching hour till the daybreak
She kept gazing at moonlit sky
Sitting on her window side
The world seemed judgmental of her lunatic thoughts
An obscure absurdity all she was
But no one knew silver lined her hazy heart was

Yet she tramped alone
Dodging prying eyes of all
She stayed within the glazed tinted walls
Away from the dispensable crowd
Solitude was her only freedom
An amicable reunion of her soul and character
Nevertheless, every night, sitting under the moonlight
Looking at the bewitching sky
All her fears and doubts would be gone
Conquered by soothing silence,
It bestows
Letting the magic of the night flow
Till pale moon blurs away


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