Wednesday 1 June 2016

Tunneling Tech

Happy advanced World Environment Day to you folks. It is our collective goal to work for the furtherance of not just the society but the environment alike, in a time when the world is going through rapid climate changes. It is indeed a very exultant day for the Swiss as they open the longest rail tunnel in the world, The Gotthard Base Tunnel, quite a feat in terms of being an engineering marvel and a mega structure altogether. Kudos to the timekeepers (The Swiss) and the engineers of a glorious European nation, Switzerland.

A tunnel helps us bridge and pave our way into territories otherwise uncharted. It takes us to a parallel world, a different universe, although not literally. The impression of getting into and coming out on the other end is quite enchanting for some and horrifying for others. Technology has proven to be a similar tunneling force for the humans to yield them from the past and land them in the future. If only we had imagined to use the internet to switch on a light bulb at our homes from a distance thousand miles away, it would have seemed like a far fetched reverie a few decades ago. With the help of Internet of Things, it is now a reality. Such is the magic of technology.

It is for some rebels and misfits who were bold enough to defy the odds and help mankind into crafting the future. There is always a lot of noise in the heads of futurists. He is inundated into numerous reveries and he is forced to think aloud. He overcomes all the noise to see the music hidden in the skipped notes. Thus I bring to you the Top 10 innovations in the world of Tech and the masterminds behind the scenes.

1. Steve Jobs and Jony Ive : Product designers responsible for creating the ubiquitous Apple hardware and software designs, including the evolutionary iPhone, the iPad, the Macbook and the iOS interface. 

2. Sergey Brin and Larry Page: Co-founders of Google, aided with development of Google Glass and Google’s self-driving cars , creators of the famous PageRank algorithm that makes Google’s search engine so reliable.

3. Mark Zuckerberg: Co-founder and CEO of Facebook. He is to date the most successful representative of the Gen Y innovators.

4. Elon MuskCo-founder of PayPal, the company which pioneered person-to-person payments online. He is also credited with founding Tesla, an emerging electric car company, and SpaceX, a technology company looking to privatize spaceflights.

5.Reid Hoffman: Founder of LinkedIn, a website which provides the largest professional social network on the Internet. Also the former COO of PayPal.

6. Braingate: A brain implant system developed by Cyberkinetics, being developed to help those who have lost the function of their limbs.

7. Abiocor Total Artificial Heart by Abiomed.

8.Adam Mayer, Zach Smith and Bre Pettis : Founders of MakerBot, company pioneering 3d printing.

9.Salman Khan : Founder of the Khan Academy. It is a free, non-profit platform with the primary goal to offer a world-class online education to anyone, anywhere.

10. Eesha Khare : Created a device (Super Capacitor) that can charge a cell phone in just 30 seconds; she was only 18 years old at the time. This super-capacitor earned her the 2013 Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award. She is using her prize money toward Harvard tuition.


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