Wednesday 15 June 2016

10 Things Men Could Do For Women This Rajo

Tis the season of Rajo, the tri-day regional festival of women in Odisha. Women relish the galore of fun and frenzied atmosphere on their mini holiday, they play on swings, play card games of bluff and 29, prepare delicious sweets and go shopping with friends like there’s no tomorrow. Although it’s all good for the women in this fest, the otherwise shy Odia men get shelved and hide into their deep slumbers during the festival as the women enjoy all the fanfare and the attention, so here’s bringing you 10 things men could do for the women of their lives, be them their moms, sisters, wives or friends that would make Rajo equally interesting for the silent majority, the men.

1.       Treat her like a queen or a princess: Trust me, they are truly the fairies in disguise in our life and they grant our wishes, so for once in a year this Rajo, take a break, get into your genie suits and get ready to grant her wishes.

2.       Go shopping with her: And don’t just window shop, indulge in a hands on shopping experience with the ladies, shop for clothes, accessories and jewelry that she loves. Come on and lift the bags for her.

3.       Get her that much desired Mani-Pedi: Take her to a salon or spa for a relaxing sauna, facial, massage or a Mani-Pedi.

4.       Order a gift online for her: Could be anything ranging from a book she wanted to read or a decorative candle she sought for her bedroom. And don’t forget to click on the gift wrap option.

5.       Spend more time with her: Rajo is all about rejoicing the form of women as deities, so treat her like one and take some time aside of your busy schedule to chit chat and small talk with her, or take her out to her favorite place, that coffee shop round the corner.

6.       Make a swing and decorate it: Build a DIY makeshift swing in the backyard or the terrace for her to sit on and play, you could decorate it with flowers of her choice.

7.       Cook for her: Borrow her kitchen apron for a day, and make her have her favorite dish. For help you always have that cooking book or the recipes online.

8.       Make a hand-made gift for her: Hand-made gifts are special for they have the personal touch in them. Surprise the lady of your life with your creative prowess.

9.       Get the haircut or the suit she wants you to have: Women love to see their man groomed well and gentlemanly, this Rajo take a step ahead and make an effort to look nice for her.

10.   Make a resolution: Make a resolution and stick to it which would make her happy, could be one of those college habits you can’t drop lately, viz. quit smoking or drinking.

Moreover, make Rajo your own fest too, for why should Girls have all the fun? Happy Rajo to all you folks.


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