Wednesday 8 June 2016

Ramadan 2016 : All you need to know.

The Muslim holy month of the year is finally here as the month of Ramadan began this week. All over the world, Muslims are filled with enthusiasm and felicity as this auspicious month unwrapped, putting an end to their much anticipated wait. It has a special significance for India where a major part of the population preaches Islam and celebrates Ramadan every year.

Unlike other festivals (which follows Gregorian calendar, Ramadan follows the lunar calendar and thus the date keeps varying every year. Interestingly, Ramadan is celebrated during the ninth month of this calendar.  It is determined by the sightings of new moon and at some places, the holiday for Ramadan isn’t declared until somebody witnesses the new moon with naked eyes. The duration of Ramadan also varies from place to place, depending on the weather and daylight duration. This year it has been foresighted as the longest Ramadan in 33 years.

While at some places, people keep fasts for 12 hours, at other places, it might be for more than 20 hours. Most of us, especially the non Muslims, have a slight idea regarding this beautiful festival, owing to our Muslim friends or colleagues which is that all day long, fast is observed from the dawn till dusk and prayers are performed as an offering to Allah. But, Ramadan is so much more than this and is deeply rooted to humanity. So, let me share with you some really enthralling facts about Ramadan which I found out through my Muslim friends. Ramadan Mubarak to each and every one!

The Quran Fact!
Ramadan holds an extremely special significance for all Muslims because of an ancient belief that the Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammad during this month. The exact day is called Laylat al Qadar or night of power which falls within the last 10 days of Ramadan. Thus, to celebrate this, all Muslims keep fasts which are obligatory for all except in case of illness and pregnancy. Children are also abstained from fasting. This one month tests the patience, endurance and their faith.

From Dawn till Dusk!
The Fast begins at the dawn during which Muslims refrain from eating and drinking. This ends at Dusk, following which Muslims indulge in light meal known as Iftar. After this, evening prayer known as Tarawih is performed with sincerity. Just before dawn, another meal is taken known as Suhoor. Following Sunrise, daily routine is performed which is mandatory as Muslims are not allowed skip work or education due to Ramadan.

Dates keep shifting!
Ramadan follows the lunar calendar and is observed during the 9th month. Interestingly, lunar calendar is shorter than Gregorian calendar by 11 days. Thus the date for Ramadan keeps moving back by 11 days every year.

The scorching heat!
Ramadan has an Arabic origin and derived from ‘Ramida or Arramad which means scorching heat or dryness. The significance of this name has been associated with the state of the followers during this period; Dry without food and water.

Ramadan and spirituality!
Fasting, being the fundamental principles of Islam is an obligatory ritual. But there is a unique reason behind this. Muslims abstain from eating and drinking for nearly a month so that their inner being remain focused on prayer, spirituality and charity. This promotes overall positivity well being of all. During this period, they also abstain from indulging in any sort of negativity like gossip, curses.

Ramadan makes you healthy!
Though not entirely backed stringent scientific proofs, there has been a studies which claim that during this time, LDL (bad cholesterol) is reduced by 8 percent while HDL (good cholesterol) increases by 14.3 percent. Therefore, during Ramadan, Muslims, not only undergo spiritual discipline and cleansing of soul but also get biologically healthy.

After a month, Ramadan’s end is marked by Eid Ul Filtr, when finally fast is broken. It is celebrated with grandeur, brightening the lives of more than 1 billion Muslims worldwide.

Wish you all a hearty Ramadan!


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