Saturday 4 June 2016

Eggspresso : The New Breed of Expresso

Imagine you woke up one morning, like every day and you slothfully walk up to the kitchen to make that first cup of coffee, your daily dose of turbocharger, your expresso which could finally break your snoozing hangover. All you do is put all the ingredients in the Expresso maker. You impatiently wait for the hot steamy Expresso to get ready. You start to want it bad. After all, that’s your wake up booster for your drowsy neurons. The busy day is awaiting your presence but you aren’t ready to take charge until you have that delightful and obligatory cup of coffee.

Finally the wait is over, you switch on the pour button. But what lays in front of your eyes is unimaginable.

Instead of hot brewed coffee, there lies a bunch of coffee rich chocolaty eggs!


Well the citation might have been a little farfetched. J Obviously, coffee makers don’t lay eggs but coffee rich chocolaty eggs are surely the new Expresso breed these days and have been trending and being admired, especially in the west.

Eggspresso is basically a hollowed out egg made up of chocolate and is filled with hot robust expresso.

With the chocolate melting its way down with the expresso, this gooey delight will make your heart pop out. It is a sweeter version of black coffee, with a chocolaty essence in it, a great dessert for the Sunday brunch. So to all the chocoholics out there, all you need is Expresso in a hot chocolate egg and lots of love.

Brew your own chocolaty Eggspresso!


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