Wednesday 29 June 2016

Every time it rains

Every time it rains,
My heart goes for you
 Every time the shimmering drops touch the base,
The little being throbbing inside me,
 Yearns for you
For you are far,
Beyond the oceans,
 Cared and loved in another   universe.
Indulgence could be such a sin sometimes.
 A tempting mistake beyond right and wrong.
For you never forgave me,
 Even though I begged and pled.
A nonchalant tramp at heart,
 I stamped over your soul,
 Crushed your heart and stained your core.
My love for ego proved stronger than you.
You cried
 Your steps, wobbly
 Just like these pebbles, drenched in mud
You stumbled your way across the sea
Without a trace, you left for oblivion
Overwhelmed by strong emotions
I called out your name
That excruciating pain, unbearable with shame
Of losing you, of letting you bleed shook me.
But you were already gone
Just like the left over dampness, aftermath a hailstorm.
Cold and stirred, within
My ego died an agonizing death,
As penitence vanquished my nerves.
Years passed,
I heard, your life has blossomed
Into two beautiful beings
Except for the faint silvery bangs
You still look exactly the same
Maybe happier than you were with me
But I have kept your secret tightly bound
The secret of how much you loved the raindrops
Of how much you loved my blue eyes for the resemblance
So, every time it rains
I think of you

Knowing well, you are doing the same.


  1. Everytime.
    So every time u write.
    Worth making it into a picture hanging in my wall.

    PS- i do not know the specific reason but i interpreted the indentation in my own ways.

    1. I'm flattered and humbled. Thank you Bhaiya.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
