Monday 27 June 2016

Not Beautiful

Under the blanket of nightfall
I dearly gaze upon the blazing fireplace
Unsure, I wonder of what I could have been
But juggling through thoughts, I was sure
No, I am not ugly
If I ignore the hypocritical idiosyncrasies
I couldn’t have been more beautiful
Charming and delicate
Just like the blooming petals of winter daisies
As light as the downpour of first rain
Fresh and bright like the early morning
Dancing and whirling over the tender dahlias
Crispy wind hovering around me like bees over honey
Yet my wings remain unruffled
Weightless, I swim over the colossal lagoon for fleeting moments
Like a ballerina on an icy base
I swing through, nonchalantly
An amazed audience breaks into applauds
A sweet symphony cracks into my ears
I wish to relive the moments
But sooner or later,
The reverie would break
Shattered and be gone
Like the traces of light vanishes under a stormy sky
The symphony, no longer sweet, thunders like a cacophony
I wake up and am no longer beautiful, beautiful or bright
I , no longer, dance and jump like a free bird
No longer, do I bear the wings to fly
A sarcastic smile stretches upon my dizzy lips
I was no longer weightless,
As others would have said it
“I am just NOT beautiful".


  1. Deep.
    Drown-worthy depth.

  2. Thank you Bhaiya.I am glad you always take time to read it and give feedback 😊

  3. Reading your blog after a long time. You are one of the best poet I have ever come across. I love your way with words.
    Keep writing, and go on to publish a book. I'd love to buy that.
    Cheers to both of ya :)

  4. Thank you so much Debashrita. We are humbled you take the time to read our articles. A blog belongs to its readers, and so it does to you too. We would surely take your cue and publish a book for you to read someday soon. Kudos to Nickiesblog. Cheers to you.
