Thursday 2 July 2015

Zeroes and Ones(The Binary Life)

The world roughly comprises of two kinds of individuals, good and evil. Whether they are good or evil is purely relative. The same person could be good for someone and evil for someone else. It’s like the binary digital code. Theoretically, everything that we see, listen to or perceive today on any electronic device fundamentally comprises of Zeroes and Ones. Such generalization can sound a bit preposterous but when simplified, it’s factual enough to believe. Imagine the world as a device and the people on it as the zeroes and ones used in the code. Assume, the zeroes are evil people and the ones are good people. For the device to function without flaws there needs to be a set of zeroes and ones in its code. The code is our human life. Just like the code, there needs to be a right proportion of good and evil people in everyone’s life.

Now we feel, evil people in our lives create nuisance and pull us back in every step. They literally suck life out of our souls and leave us feeling disoriented and traumatized. They create a void in our lives. Too many bad people in our life can cause catastrophic impairment to us and above all leave us harassed emotionally. We vilify them to satisfy our soul and sometimes plan to avenge for the irrevocable harm that they have caused us. Vengeance is the purest of all emotions. Vengeance isn’t bad after all; it’s just the necessary evil. The pain that the ruthless people cause us can make us stand up and prove ourselves, if we learn to channelize our energy. This is how pain is well avenged. However the pain that’s not taken care of doesn’t heal and causes us real damage.

On the contrary, the good people in our lives are the reason our lives are bright. They push us towards accomplishing our goals and make us shine like a full moon in a starlit sky. They radiate their energies and we resonate those energies to benefit from partnerships with them. They share their goodwill and love with others and make us feel safer in their company. They are the ‘ones’ in our lives. They fill our voids and pave our way into the future. Fewer in number as compared to the ‘zeroes’, they usually come into our lives as family, friends or soul mates. They are gems in our lives and we need to value them and keep them by our side in times of distress and good health.

Our thoughts and deeds on the other hand are also akin with the people in our lives. They could either be ‘zeroes’ or ‘ones’. It is necessary on our part to strike a balance amongst all the good and evil in our life. We must learn to value all the elements regardless of their nature. This is what the law of equilibrium teaches us. Only when we assess the ‘zeroes’ and ‘ones’, we will be able to carve a niche for ourselves. Only then we can troubleshoot the code of our life and make it bug free.

“Life is neither good or evil, but only a place for good and evil”- Marcus Aurelius 


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