Saturday 25 July 2015


 A brutal face-off with the reality
With life’s complexity and unpredictability
My beliefs have shattered into pieces
Pointless are all learnt lessons and past experiences
Lying lifeless on the floor, bloodless
Yet smeared in blood
Because my dreams have been murdered
By the ruthless fate it seems
I have fought for too long
Even though proved wrong
Again and again by my enemy
Who played foul strategy
To mar my dreams
My forlorn face
Losing its grace
My wrinkled feet are the victim of the cruelty
It did on me to show its superiority
I tried till I dropped
Tried till my heart heaved
Till my eyes became too blind to see
Ignoring all my plea
The heavy price my heart paid
All the tears I shed
Still I never stopped chasing my dream
Because it was all I wanted
But now they are just shadows, deeply haunted
 Nobody warned me
 Dreams could be so expensive
So wrong I was to assume
My hard work would bear fruits so extensive
For I learnt it my way
That you bleed to death
If fate takes revenge
For the mistakes you never comprehended
And you are left pondering why everything ended
Now that’s all I can say
I have lost my power to walk
I am like the key with a deadlock
Walked miles without any direction
In sheer hopelessness and desperation
Wherever fate led me
In search of my destination
But it’s a dead end as I can see
This journey seems much longer
Than I thought
Lying on the floor
 My dream has lost its glory
Looking at them I ask myself
“Are they meant to rot”?
Broken and tortured
Like a wingless bird
For whom nobody cared
Caged for an eternity in doubt and fear
Remorseful over her own state

But I refuse to give up
I refuse to surrender
My valor is my hope
My perseverance is my strength
 I am stronger than I think
I will fight
Till I make things right

 Though in pain, not a coward
Though expensive, so invaluable
My dream
I will chase it
Till I breathe and fight with the fate
Until it bows down,
Even if it’s late
And will entitle myself to the victory crown
I will walk even with a crutch
And continue my search
I won’t be at rest
Until I achieve my conquest
I am on the quest for the light
That will motivate me to keep moving
 And dreaming
 Kindling a hope of a better tomorrow
Whose radiance will take away all my sorrows.
 Breaking me free of all my doubts and fear.
And I will smile
And sparkle like a diamond.
Rising high as the time passes by.