Saturday 4 July 2015

The unfamiliar generosity!

I looked at the sky as we entered the hospital. I noticed the cloudy turmoil had begun. Maybe the initial signs of an impending storm. My sister waited in the reception hall as my mother and I went to bring my reports. Once we got the reports, we went to see the doctor. A postural neck injury it was, the reason of my painful sleepless nights. Doctor wrote handful medicines and told me to visit the physiotherapist before handing over the prescription. All the agony of the last 7 days came rushing into my mind. It was excrutiating indeed. An unceasing back breaking pain, vanquishing enough to remould me into a wooden puppet.

After we took the prescribed medicines from the indoor medicine shop, we headed towards the physiotherapy section. But only if we could find it! The three storied hospital, expanded over a vast area, is a gigantic structure in itself. To add to our misery, despite the organized, well plated designations and directions for every section; the puzzling countable entries, in numerous exits, bewildering glazed doors on every corridor had left us perplexed and exhausted. I looked through one of the windows as we were walking through another cloned corridor, walls smudged with pale yellow paint just like the previous one. I found the shady clouds had gathered, shading the sky carefully with black. The down pour had just begun with wind howling in its full swing. “We have to find the section soon before the storm hits” my sister said.

After struggling for another 20 minutes and no success, we had given upon finding it. This time we had reached the exit door of the hospital and that marked the end of our struggle with no success. Disappointed, we turned and headed towards the reception hall. Right then, a lady stopped us. She looked in her 50s with shades of grey peeping through her hair. She was holding a mop soaked in with disinfectant and an empty bucket. “What are you searching?” She inquired. “We were searching Physiotherapy section but couldn't find it”, my mom replied.

The lady smiled and motioned us to follow her. We walked behind her and just after few left and right turns; we saw a big green board with “Physiotherapy “written in bold letters on it. We gave a huge sigh of relief. Before mom could express her gratitude, the lady had already vanished into thin air. No wonder she was indeed a savior for us, an epitome of kindness.

Since childhood, every time we see a stranger, our mom would say “Never talk to strangers. They can be dangerous” and no doubt that is an important advice every child should heed to. So, even after we grow up, we have this satanic image of strangers presumably set in our minds, irrespective of the situation. But today I learnt something new. Not all strangers are bad. Not every time. The lady could have chosen not to help us. Helping the patients for directions was not her job. She won’t be getting paid for that but she chose to help and sow another seed of kindness in this world of apathy.

With crime at its heights, we don’t trust the people around us let alone strangers. This increasing distrust and fear had turned us into apathetic souls. Blinded by evil and sinister thoughts, we look at the world with our vicious eyes. We have no credence in humanity, thus explaining our kinship with strangers. But instances like these make me believe in humanity again who take human virtues a step ahead every time they come across a troubled soul.

This got me thinking world will be much a better place if all of us continue this noble legacy towards kindness, towards humanity! A little faith can do wonders and push the human race forward. What do you say? :)


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