Monday 20 July 2015

A Clammy Day!

Here it was another day at the college and nothing unusual on sight but not to forget, the unbearable humidity which was screaming its presence every now and then. I remember I had classes in the second half which is, no doubt, not a dream of any student but certainly I couldn't afford to miss my attendance. Any B.Tech student can fairly tell how much importance attendance holds in their lives!

So, at around 2 pm, I forced my lazy self to get out of the bed, putting my much desired afternoon nap to an abrupt end. No matter what the time is, it surely feels jittery to wake up half sleepy.
While getting ready, I peeped through the window; the weather looked, at least shady if not windy! That was okay! (Compared to the last few scorching days which had tortured us to dehydration, perspiration! This was not okay!)

After I got ready, I sat on my bed, switched on the table fan which instantly added to the overall capacity of the ceiling fan and made my room quite cooler than before. I checked my watch as I waited for my roommate to get ready. I was feeling lighter and elated cause after a long time, the weather seemed less itchy! I sighed in relief.

Finally, at 2:15, we left the hostel; luckily found the auto right in front unlike some very unfortunate days when we keep waiting for at least 20 minutes until one shows mercy on us! We reached the university in no time and by then, even though the shady weather was still visible to me but Mr. Wind were still nowhere to be seen. I had begun to feel the cruel perspiration as small drops of sweat found their way on my face which I wiped unceasingly with handkerchief. “Once I reach the class, it would be a relief”, I pondered.

We reached the class, five minutes early and our professor hadn't come yet. A small bunch of boys and girls had already reserved their seats while most of them were vacant. We chose a seat and sat next to the window. But still, I could feel the suffocating atmosphere swallowing me up. A few moments passed and then horrified, I noticed that there was a power cut. “So silly of me that I didn't notice it before” I frowned, disgusted. No power! No fan! A sure hell for the next two hours!

Soon our professor came and began teaching. It was difficult sitting on those newly furnished benches leave alone concentrating on the lectures. I could feel an overwhelming tension building up as the humidity exponentially increased as the lecture progressed. I could see some front benchers trying really hard to concentrate but my mind was completely cloudy and I would rather say asphyxiated! Few girls made fan out of the notebooks including me, our only savior of the moment while some expunged their handkerchiefs over their faces, wiping off the sweat which undoubtedly reappeared again and again.  It was really frustrating to sit in the class feeling so sweaty! God!         I had never experienced so much of humidity in my entire life before. I am sure we all were wishing for the power to come back, at least I was desperately but it was not my day!

First lecture got over and soon the second one started, by then, I felt I would dehydrate alone by sweating so much. An extreme combination of dullness and utter disinterest came over me. Our professor seemed equally uncomfortable, struggling with the extreme humidity.

 I looked around and saw several equally frustrated faces. I was constantly checking the watch as my patience was beginning to sink into the sand of despondency. But my watch seemed to have gone slower or maybe I was just imagining too much. Then out of the blue, a miracle happened!

Our professor began calling out roll numbers for attendance; after which he asked the class representative to shift the class to next week and left the class twenty minutes early! Everyone gave a huge sigh of relief as we all hopped out of the class just like a bird freed out of the cage. It was not a memorable day but surely an unforgettable and itchy experience!


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