Friday 14 August 2015

A soldier's Wife

Happy Independence day!
A tribute to all the soldiers and their families, who sacrifice their lives to protect our motherland and keep us safe!

She stood silently
Watching him go
All he could do was ignore
All the tears that flew
From their eyes
But he had to walk away
From her side
Because he could no more be her guide
Even though the pain was crushing him from inside
Clenching his throbbing heart, bleeding
He walked till the other side of the road
An inexplicable helplessness vanquishing him that couldn’t be cured.
He didn't turn back even once.
Because he knew if he did even once
He won’t be able to part his ways
He felt too weak to bear the excruciating pain
He knew how she must be looking at his back
Sobbing silently as the time pass
But his mother was calling him
His duty, the only way to repay the debt
He knew, though devastated, she will never object.
Because she loved him way too much
As innocent as white lily was her love
Fresh like a morning dew, her presence gleamed
He blissfully aware how lucky she made him feel
She deserved more, his heart sighed
But all she got was a bunch of painful moments
And a fake promise of togetherness
When he came and went like a wind
Leaving her alone on her own
 A creeping guilt engulfed his conscience
This time he might not even return alive
His heart ached
A brutal truth left unsaid
But he had to go for her mother’s sake
He wished to rewind those moments
He wished to turn back once to gaze at her beautiful wife’s face
A tear escaped from his eyes
As he know it’s too late now to rewind
Now he is left with only memories
All he could hope that
Without him, she will learn to survive


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