Sunday 21 June 2015

The uncanny yet incredible Talcher!

Summer is the time of the year. It is when we brace ourselves to have a lot of fun. A Period when we rise out of hibernation and buzz with activity as the sun reaches the zenith in the sky. Well, the ultimate definition of fun varies quite obviously. For some, fun could be a trekking adventure with friends on the mountains of Himalayas while for some enrolling in bakery classes, enjoying the rich fragrance of the baked bread could contain the idea of fun and for some of us like me sleeping till noon is the most pleasurable feeling in vacations. But sometimes I do make exceptions much to the surprise of my darling mom which implies waking in the morning and watching the early sun kissed sky as the hues turn from shady blue thawing into pale yellowish orange. Though I am not an early bird yet sometimes I like indulging myself in this early morning picturesque delight. Believe me, its breathtaking!

Everybody whom I know and everybody who knows me knows that I stay in Talcher ;).Though I never found this place a pristine dream destination of anybody’s sane imagination but I wasn't that discontent over the fact that I stayed here for 18 years of my life until recently when one of my close friend questioned the sanctity and righteousness of my memories I had preserved since my childhood while growing up here.

Being future engineers or I would proudly say the future flag bearers of our country; we are expected to go through vocational training during vacations. So given that Talcher has in numerous yet countable industries like Nalco, Bhusan steel plant, M.C.L., my friend paid a visit to Talcher under a training period.

No wonder, Talcher is a hub of flourishing industries which attracts thousands of students which must have attracted my friend too. But he forgot this when he put forward his sarcastic opinions of my beloved home town. I, may, sound biased but aren't we all biased when it comes to something we feel belonged to? Though I can’t change his opinions but I would surely like to bring to view a different perception and leave it on my reader’s imagination to decide.

When I allow myself to go down the known memory lanes and peek through those familiar windows, my eyes get moist. The aroma of the first rain when kissed the sizzling earth, soothing her thirsty soul; the beholden moist leaves which fluttered on the first touch of this earthly delight overwhelming their existence and turning them from the dusty white to green of the purest form, the never ending excitement of my eighteen birthdays, the unforgettable early morning school sessions with friends followed by long Tiffin breaks, the indelible impression left by few great teachers on me, the shared small walks with my daddy till the bus stop holding his hand, feeling secure and safe ,sharing all my fears and doubts are one of many cherished possessions. All these beautiful memories are wrapped around by the essence of this not so comfortable place, Talcher. Yet every time, I think of this place, my heart is filled with warmth and affection. A beautiful moment of realization abounded by amiability

I am thankful that my friend pointed out to the flaws of this not so beautiful yet pleasing beauty but as I have known, when we fall in love, we fall in love with its flaws too. Quite evidently, I am in love with this town.

And those who haven’t ever been here or who are still anonymous of its inner beauty;
People out there, Good things happen when you visit strange places!!

Kudos to Talcher! And Happy Father’s day Dad! Thank you for being my guiding anchor :)