Monday 29 June 2015

The miracle moments !

Sometimes, we come across such moments that awe us beyond imagination. The moments which have the audacity to sway us by its sheer presence. I call them Miracle moments. Miracle. No matter whether you have come across it or not or whether you even believe in their existence. But we are no stranger to this word. So I won’t go defining it. But if you want to learn more about miracles, Google is always there! Isn't? ;)

Some people say miracles don’t exist but then some also say god doesn't exist. Yet we see long queues of people sweating profusely with smothering heat yet profoundly dedicated, waiting outside the places to worship eagerly waiting for their share of blessing. So basically what makes it works is faith. An undying faith that there is someone out there, most powerful of all who will mend the broken, give solace to the restless and above of all, bring miracles! Yeah those wonder-struck moments!

These moments need not be life transforming always! (Though how much I have known, they are!) But it’s like a lingering connection one feels with the nature, with the true essence of the beauty it holds making you feel secure in its lap. Exactly like a newborn makes a profound connection with his mother when he embraces her for the first time. It could be anything that sweeps you of your feet for a moment and connects you to the deeper essence of life.

Recently I came across one such moment when I and my daddy talked unceasingly for 2 hours! We went on talking jumping from one topic to another; discussing nothing to everything and prepared a delicious dinner together (He is indeed an awesome cook). Since I stay at hostel far away from home; we don’t really get much time to have long hours of hearty talk and I was awed that we are so much in common and we had so much to discuss! It was really captivating and refreshing. This miracle moment had surely brightened my day.

As Albert Einstein had said, I would like to quote- “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is miracle; you can live as if everything is miracle”.
And if you believe, they can do magic! No wonder, Miracles happen to those who believe in them! ;)

So, have faith, be grateful, make your own miracle moments and even if you can’t, don’t worry! Someone out there might be weaving a beautiful miracle for you and those who already have experienced it; you know what I am talking about! Smile and let divinity prevail..!