Saturday 20 June 2015

Boundless Bond

Even though I am walking a midst this greenery, my life seems like a black forest, engulfing itself, dull and mundane. The sun is shining bright yet failing unequivocally to brighten my mood and wipe out the darkness of my ailing heart. The birds are chirping, flying from one branch to another, which seems like the only distraction to the unholy silence.

Even in your absence I come here for walks, with the hope of finding solace and a glimpse into our beautiful cherished memories. I look around and I can still feel you around me ,wearing your favourite leather jacket, your beautiful eyes gazing at me as I tell you about my day and your delicately curved lips stretching into a smile every now and then on my silly jokes.

My eyes have, now swelled up and turned red like the hues of the sunset, ready to burst any moment like a badly timed rain. I try hard to control it but eventually give up. My tears, the only escape of my heart’s pain, flow reflecting the end of my dreams, my burning passion, and my unfulfilled desires.
As the tears flow, making their way through my cold cheeks, a sudden reality hits me that you are gone forever. I feel overwhelmed with an acute intensity of pain like a dagger stabbed into my lungs, leaving me breathless. I try to catch my breath. My hair looks disheveled. I panic.

I look all around me like a lost child and begin to run as fast as I can, shouting you name aloud like an uncontrollable maniac. Everything around me seems full of you, your aroma and your essence. Your undying love haunting me; following me as I run towards the dead end.
I look down, a vast, fathomless sea awaiting my arrival. My untamed hair is soaring like a wild fire. I stretch my arms wide open, embracing the fresh wind. As the crude, cold wind touches my face; I feel calm and a sense of serenity descend over me. I close my eyes and I have a vivid flashback of our unforgettable memories, astonishing me that life made me experience something that I never believed was feasible beyond a dreamer’s imagination; love at first sight. I know I crave for you, for your touch. Our love story was a fairy tale and I know I want to preserve it that way. So I bend down and uplift my face to feel the crispness of the cheerful wind for the last time.  

 I jump, ready to fly like a fledgling. I feel a thrust of wind below me, the intensity vanquishing me. I try to listen and am filled with profound wonder that the wind is blowing in a woeful rhythm as if mourning over the death of the millennium of love itself, crooning a melancholic melody.  My senses have ceased to exists, overshadowed by lunacy. I am over the moon, feeling euphoric. Even the thought of meeting my bewitching beauty tickles me to my core .Finally I reach my haven; at the last gasp, I smile as I know I will  find you for eternity

I gasp. My eyes are wide open and my body drenched in cold sweat. I catch my breath and try to come into my senses. Bewildered, I look around and then a smile escapes through my lips as I see you sleeping beside me peacefully like a newborn baby, tugged inside the blanket oblivious of my dreamy adventure. It was a nightmare; I sigh in relief as I think to myself. I bend over you and kiss you on your forehead. Now I retire to sleep again but this time, holding you tightly in my arms to never let go.


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