Friday 26 June 2015


The night has fallen
The dark messengers are awaiting your presence
The shadows are your only refuge
Cause you thrive on pain and sorrow
An open wound,
Staring back at me
As its dies every morning
But then the night follows
 Haunting me with its shady shadows
Sharp as a sword they are
Inerasable are the scars they leave
My shallow foot prints
The only evidence of my pliable existence
 The pain of the lies you had uttered
With no guilt, you shamelessly tortured
All the false promises you made
 But still I got all the blame
Didn’t you make it look so easy for me?
Well you are the one holding the champagne
 You behold me with contempt
 But all I see a ghost consumed with pride
Insatiable greed to hunt
The brutality of your unpredictable character
Will soon be publicly butchered 
Cause the evil vanity of your kingly Kingdom
Was always destined to be doomed before it took birth


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