Tuesday 30 June 2015

Secret Wonder

Last night, while surfing through the TV channels, I finally stopped at Romedy Now. It’s a channel dedicated to rom-com movies and it also features situational comedy shows. The Season 6 of the popular sitcom ‘Friends’ was on. Even though I am not a great fan of ‘Friends’ like Siwalik (He’s crazy about the show) I do find it quite hilarious at times. So I watched it for some time until the commercials came on. I shuffled through few channels again, only to find more commercials on every other channel that I browsed through. Surprisingly, some of the commercials are so out of the box that it leaves you wonder at how they come up with such intriguing ideas. From using catchy phrases like “Olx pe bech de”, “Kya Aapke Toothpaste mein Namak hai?” to children acting like grown-ups in the Flipkart ad, the Fevicol’s “Todo Nahin Jodo” during the Cricket World Cup, they have been strategically made and placed, having a lasting impact on the viewers. Certainly, there has been an iconic revolution in the advertising business in the past few years. The commercials don’t just market the product, but are utterly endearing and memorable.

Anyways, I would avert diverting myself from the topic. While waiting endlessly for ‘Friends’ to finally re-entertain my sleepy brain cells with its pills of laughter, I came across the promo of the movie ‘Flipped’. Well, for those who have watched it already know it, but for those who haven’t; Flipped is a well-reviewed rom-com based on the novel by Wendelin Van Draanen. It revolves around the love story of two young people and the teenage love that blossoms into a friendship with time, It is the reverse of conventional rom-coms hence the title. I had watched the movie earlier, so it wasn’t new to me. But what captured my attention was the captivating promo song used for it. I found it enthralling, so I decided to download it. But alas! Only if I knew the name of the album it belonged to. The song was played for a short while so I all I could do was memorize a fraction of the lyrics as I couldn’t find the time to Shazam it. I Googled for the official soundtrack of Flipped but to no avail. The song didn’t belong to the movie. It was just a promo song used by the channel. I struggled for a while and finally found it with much ado. Thanks to a Facebook link for a band called ‘Secret Wonder’ by an ultra-secretive duo Lizzie and Danny. The song is called ‘How the story ends’. It has got a mesmerizing tune and touching lyrics. That made me dig more about the band. So I clicked on the about tab on YouTube. It says “Secret Wonder is the band born out of the love of two people. Secret wonder creates music, videos and secret live performances.” It’s a new band born out of the blue creating ripples online for its indie-electronic music. Do check it out on YouTube.

Monday 29 June 2015

The miracle moments !

Sometimes, we come across such moments that awe us beyond imagination. The moments which have the audacity to sway us by its sheer presence. I call them Miracle moments. Miracle. No matter whether you have come across it or not or whether you even believe in their existence. But we are no stranger to this word. So I won’t go defining it. But if you want to learn more about miracles, Google is always there! Isn't? ;)

Some people say miracles don’t exist but then some also say god doesn't exist. Yet we see long queues of people sweating profusely with smothering heat yet profoundly dedicated, waiting outside the places to worship eagerly waiting for their share of blessing. So basically what makes it works is faith. An undying faith that there is someone out there, most powerful of all who will mend the broken, give solace to the restless and above of all, bring miracles! Yeah those wonder-struck moments!

These moments need not be life transforming always! (Though how much I have known, they are!) But it’s like a lingering connection one feels with the nature, with the true essence of the beauty it holds making you feel secure in its lap. Exactly like a newborn makes a profound connection with his mother when he embraces her for the first time. It could be anything that sweeps you of your feet for a moment and connects you to the deeper essence of life.

Recently I came across one such moment when I and my daddy talked unceasingly for 2 hours! We went on talking jumping from one topic to another; discussing nothing to everything and prepared a delicious dinner together (He is indeed an awesome cook). Since I stay at hostel far away from home; we don’t really get much time to have long hours of hearty talk and I was awed that we are so much in common and we had so much to discuss! It was really captivating and refreshing. This miracle moment had surely brightened my day.

As Albert Einstein had said, I would like to quote- “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is miracle; you can live as if everything is miracle”.
And if you believe, they can do magic! No wonder, Miracles happen to those who believe in them! ;)

So, have faith, be grateful, make your own miracle moments and even if you can’t, don’t worry! Someone out there might be weaving a beautiful miracle for you and those who already have experienced it; you know what I am talking about! Smile and let divinity prevail..!

Sunday 28 June 2015

The imperfect Felicity!

Perfection is a much celebrated word in today’s world. We want perfect homes, perfect jobs, perfect bank balance, perfect life partner & the list is endless. We are a perspicacious generation and won’t settle for anything less than what we deserve. Imperfections scare us. We can’t accept someone or something with flaws. There this untold stigma attached with them. They seem like loses, a liability to our own character.

This got me thinking that why are we so obsessed with perfection? What would happen if we settle for something less than we desire? Would the world economy collapse or would there be a third world war? I don’t think any of it. But our never ending string of ambitions and the conceived desires shouts at the top of its voice demanding more, every time we open ourselves, taking a vulnerable decision. But is this chase all worth it? Some say for the sake of comfort and future, this is a necessity. But has anybody seen how future looks? What about our present then? Why present has no importance in its presence while the unknown future dominates?
Life will be much simpler and stress free if we take pleasure in little things and indulge in little delights of our lives. A carefree walk every morning embracing the chuckling Sun, a mousy coffee while reading our favourite novel, a small but warm chit chat with an old friend could be the possible delicacies of your life that can make your day sweeter as the day unfolds, before you let yourself caught in the race. Reminds me of a beautiful poem by William Henry Davies, as I dig into my childhood treasure. It goes like

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

Sounds Familiar?
No doubt, not every one of us is blessed with the liberty to enjoy the luxury of comforts but if you cherish the small happy delightful moments, each day has to offer and count them since the morning till the time you sleep at night; you will realize that it’s more than you ever imagined. Maybe on some days it would be countless while on some not so good days, it might be little less. A little imperfection here and there won’t hurt, would they?
In my opinion, imperfections would only enhance the beauty of something we always imagined or try hard to bring to reality; perfection because no wonder, imperfections make things human, mortal and allow us to comprehend the incomprehensible.

Then why not leave this chase for once in a while, indulging in the things we love and settle for a less perfect life, celebrating imperfections! Celebrating life!

Saturday 27 June 2015

guérissez bientôt (Get Well Soon)

For Shilpa, the amazing star that she is, the guiding light of Dreamscape and my best friend. She is down with a bad sprain. :( She's so dauntless and high spirited, she constantly writes, even when she's so under the weather. Bravo girl! Get well soon. 

I know how it feels when,
The devil resides in the bones.
Feeding on your blood,
Slaying every ounce of life.

Excruciating it feels,
Lifeless and numb.
At war with him,
Oh! That satanic strife.

For we’re mere mortals,
We all give in to him.
It’s ignominious for us,
The children of the light.

Wrecking our nerves,
Fighting for the right, we’ll
Gather our spirits, with
Some help from the might.

We’ll rise, we’ll strike, with
Weapons of love, of care,
And we’ll just hang in there tight,
For soon we’ll be at peace,

And we’ll be alright.

Friday 26 June 2015


The night has fallen
The dark messengers are awaiting your presence
The shadows are your only refuge
Cause you thrive on pain and sorrow
An open wound,
Staring back at me
As its dies every morning
But then the night follows
 Haunting me with its shady shadows
Sharp as a sword they are
Inerasable are the scars they leave
My shallow foot prints
The only evidence of my pliable existence
 The pain of the lies you had uttered
With no guilt, you shamelessly tortured
All the false promises you made
 But still I got all the blame
Didn’t you make it look so easy for me?
Well you are the one holding the champagne
 You behold me with contempt
 But all I see a ghost consumed with pride
Insatiable greed to hunt
The brutality of your unpredictable character
Will soon be publicly butchered 
Cause the evil vanity of your kingly Kingdom
Was always destined to be doomed before it took birth

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Dusky Swing!

I woke up with an uncomfortable sigh, a gush of insipidity perplexing me. A cool breeze touched my face, stirring my sleepy senses, through the peeping window as I looked around; searching my phone hopelessly for 15 seconds all over my bed, only to stupidly realize that it was on my study table safely plugged in to the charger. I hopped out of my bed, feeling better than the morning, my last recollection of fever I was down with. I checked my phone, 4 messages, and 6 missed calls. It dawned upon me that I had slept over little more than I had presumed. I went near the window to shut it but a feeling of nostalgia descended over me as I stared at the overwhelming sky.

Looking outside the window, gazing at the defeating sun with the faint color of blood scattering all over the sky as the nightfall emerged to domination; it struck me how time has passed in a blink of an eye. Since my childhood, I have felt deeply touched by sunsets. They sway me. A small period of ecstasy, when the sun surrenders itself and let its colors paint every time blending into a different, beautiful story. Sometimes fuchsia colored happy times or rose tinted love story or at times crimson colored tale of grief, something lost forever as the sun goes down till the shady colors wipe them off the canvas.

A sky is indeed like a canvas, isn't it? It has the capacity to absorb each color and portray them into the most captivating, surreal forms, evolving every time I look at the same picture. This thought inspired me to paint something on the canvas, a new story maybe ;)
This what I painted!I am a beginner and I hope to paint many more !:)

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Unheard Silences

Last night while I was browsing through some random articles, I came across an intriguing piece about a young teen who was suffering from social anxiety. Every one of us at some point of our lives must have either suffered or came across a person who suffers from anxiety. When I read the initial lines, I thought hey! This is so common. Even I get anxious at times especially when results are going to be announced, the mind wrecking stress, sweaty palms and the rushing sensation burning our body( Thanks to Mr. Adrenaline!) is nothing extraordinary for most of us.

But when I read further, I realized that the topic of discussion was not just the usual anxiety we get during the stressful conditions but it was much graver than that as the boy unfolded his story.

It started with a small prank played on him by his friends who were ignorant of the fact that their friend was already social phobic. After the incident, everyone forgot about it as a trivial joke but this boy’s life changed forever. In no time, he became more reclusive than ever. He stopped talking or paying attention in classes. He began to avoid any human contact, even his parents. Soon, the matters became worse; his grades dropped, his friends began to avoid him and his behavior became unmanageable due to his unpredictable outburst of anger much to his parent’s misery. Fortunately, His parents took immediate steps and took him to a therapist who diagnosed that he was suffering from acute Social anxiety disorder. He was just 16 then.

“I used to feel extremely helpless. It was like no one could understand my condition, not even my parents”, he, later, confessed when he got better and considers him fortunate that he got the right treatment in the right time. But not everyone is as lucky as him. In India the outlook of people towards a mental patient is not sympathetic. They are termed as weirdo and treated as an outcast. This social taboo discourages the families of the patient to attain medical treatment which further aggravates the problem.

 I found this thought provoking. When I researched further, I found some shocking facts about this phenomenon. Approximately 35% of Indians suffer from anxiety disorders and unfortunately 70% of them are teenagers. Most of them go undiagnosed. Many people think that they are going crazy and weird but isn't the case always.

Generally, we all are well aware of the term “anxiety” when simply put imply a feeling of stress for a period of time. But what most of us don’t know is that there can be acute forms of anxiety too, social anxiety being one of them. An emotional state of inner upheaval accompanied by irrational fear and nervousness continually crippling your daily interactions. A person suffering from it might detect a stressful situation to be intangible and uncontrollable but it might not be the case in reality. Their overreaction to a situation makes them highly sensitive and defensive. In acute cases, it leads to panic attacks. There is a constant apprehension of being brutally scrutinized by others. Physical and social contacts like embracing; shaking hands makes them heavily uncomfortable.

Change in sleeping patterns, insomnia, irrational fears, excessive worrying are some of the initial symptoms and it requires the immediate attention of the elders. If gone untreated it could lead to fatal repercussions like suicides.

If we look back in history, our parents in their younger years were comparatively healthier and these mind crippling diseases were negligibly prevalent. They had a balance in their lives.

 Contrary to that, today’ youngsters always have their plate full of activities, too many competitions to crack and way many expectations to fulfill. Everyone wants to make it big and mindlessly crack their brains till they are out of fuel. No one wants to sit idle. Even on holidays we like to stay busy. No doubt we have transformed ourselves into workaholic maniacs ignorant of the dire consequences in the long run.

Social anxiety might not seem as threatening as cancer but it has got equally bad consequences if neglected for a long time. No doubt, there are many self help groups and therapy centers for the correct diagnosis of this menace but social boundaries and the common mind set “log kya kehenge?” always come in our way. 
But a person having mental problems has to make his way through the social stigma attached with the problem. A mental disorder, serious or not, should be diagnosed and treated like any other disease. It should given medical attention and the patients shown consideration and compassion in the society. 

Parents can listen to the problems that their children face and be the friend and anchor that they can rely on. Parents need to be alert and detect behavioral traits which indicate signs of abnormal behavior, they should never neglect them and immediately get the help of a professional same goes with teachers in school and nothing should go unreported.

We must pledge to make the world a safer place and take right decisions in the right time because sometimes neglected means denied.

courtesy: Wiki

Monday 22 June 2015

The White Helmet

I was never too fond of wearing a helmet, neither while taking a quick ride on the bike in my vicinity nor while travelling long distances. And I habitually don’t strap it, when I wear it. My father nit-picks about it all the time that I must at least put the strap on, but I don’t. It’s not safe to leave the helmet unstrapped, but it’s not a cardinal sin right? That’s the lame excuse I make my father all the time. Well, that’s irrelevant because I’m not talking about just any helmet; I’m talking about the white helmet.

It was my first day of internship at Larsen & Toubro Construction. I was a summer intern for 4 weeks at their NISER Project at Jatni in Bhubaneswar. Now, Jatni is not technically in Bhubaneswar. Its twenty kilometers away from where I reside, so I commuted on my bike. The NISER project is a 500 crore endeavor by the Government of India. The campus has seen 85% completion and has been exquisitely planned and constructed on a hilltop with lush green lawns and stunning concrete structures. What attracted me the most in the construction was the meditation center which is built on top of a hill which is connected to the auditorium on the foothill with the help of a flight of stairs.

I was required to intern in five departments viz. Safety, Quality, Structure, Finishing and Planning. On the first day I went to the Safety department as the saying goes ‘Safety First’. On my way to meet the department head, I observed that the employees wore a variety of helmets. Some wore Yellow; while some wore Blue. There were a few employees wearing white ones too. I met Mr. Patel, the safety supervisor on a site who wore a green helmet. I was taken to a warehouse where I was shown an induction video which presented the safety procedures to be followed while working at the site. I watched the video keenly, while Mr. Patel told me it’d take him a while to bring me the helmet and the gum boots.

There was this animated guy in the video, who explained about the strange color coding of the helmets. The Yellow belonged to unskilled workmen, Red for the Electrical workmen, Blue for the Site Supervisors, Green for the Safety Supervisors and White for the Engineers. This was when Mr. Patel handed me the white helmet. I put it on as directed in the video and went on to learn various works at the sites. I was oblivious of the hierarchy of helmets, until one day I met a site supervisor who looked after the structural works at a site. He addressed me as Sir, and treated me as someone who was above him in the organizational chain of command. He was a middle aged man in his mid-forties. I explained him that I was just a trainee and humbly requested him to call me by my name, but he refused. It was a situation I had never faced in my life before. Had I not worn the white helmet, would he have given me the same treatment?

It’s bizarre how we associate respect with a lifeless entity such as a helmet. That was when I understood wearing a helmet was not such a bad idea. Though it was an awkward situation, yet I relished the courtesy and respect that he garnered me with. They say, ‘With great power comes great responsibility’, I felt accountable to the society as an engineer. The Helmet was not a mere object but had sentiments attached to it. It is a powerful symbol for us fellow engineers, the forthcoming policy makers of the society. 

Sunday 21 June 2015

The uncanny yet incredible Talcher!

Summer is the time of the year. It is when we brace ourselves to have a lot of fun. A Period when we rise out of hibernation and buzz with activity as the sun reaches the zenith in the sky. Well, the ultimate definition of fun varies quite obviously. For some, fun could be a trekking adventure with friends on the mountains of Himalayas while for some enrolling in bakery classes, enjoying the rich fragrance of the baked bread could contain the idea of fun and for some of us like me sleeping till noon is the most pleasurable feeling in vacations. But sometimes I do make exceptions much to the surprise of my darling mom which implies waking in the morning and watching the early sun kissed sky as the hues turn from shady blue thawing into pale yellowish orange. Though I am not an early bird yet sometimes I like indulging myself in this early morning picturesque delight. Believe me, its breathtaking!

Everybody whom I know and everybody who knows me knows that I stay in Talcher ;).Though I never found this place a pristine dream destination of anybody’s sane imagination but I wasn't that discontent over the fact that I stayed here for 18 years of my life until recently when one of my close friend questioned the sanctity and righteousness of my memories I had preserved since my childhood while growing up here.

Being future engineers or I would proudly say the future flag bearers of our country; we are expected to go through vocational training during vacations. So given that Talcher has in numerous yet countable industries like Nalco, Bhusan steel plant, M.C.L., my friend paid a visit to Talcher under a training period.

No wonder, Talcher is a hub of flourishing industries which attracts thousands of students which must have attracted my friend too. But he forgot this when he put forward his sarcastic opinions of my beloved home town. I, may, sound biased but aren't we all biased when it comes to something we feel belonged to? Though I can’t change his opinions but I would surely like to bring to view a different perception and leave it on my reader’s imagination to decide.

When I allow myself to go down the known memory lanes and peek through those familiar windows, my eyes get moist. The aroma of the first rain when kissed the sizzling earth, soothing her thirsty soul; the beholden moist leaves which fluttered on the first touch of this earthly delight overwhelming their existence and turning them from the dusty white to green of the purest form, the never ending excitement of my eighteen birthdays, the unforgettable early morning school sessions with friends followed by long Tiffin breaks, the indelible impression left by few great teachers on me, the shared small walks with my daddy till the bus stop holding his hand, feeling secure and safe ,sharing all my fears and doubts are one of many cherished possessions. All these beautiful memories are wrapped around by the essence of this not so comfortable place, Talcher. Yet every time, I think of this place, my heart is filled with warmth and affection. A beautiful moment of realization abounded by amiability

I am thankful that my friend pointed out to the flaws of this not so beautiful yet pleasing beauty but as I have known, when we fall in love, we fall in love with its flaws too. Quite evidently, I am in love with this town.

And those who haven’t ever been here or who are still anonymous of its inner beauty;
People out there, Good things happen when you visit strange places!!

Kudos to Talcher! And Happy Father’s day Dad! Thank you for being my guiding anchor :)

Blood Brother

Do I miss you? Like hell I do. Do I hate to admit it? Yes. Was I guilty? Yes I was. Remember that stroll we used to have in the school corridor, we strode without any fear, walked with a resonating rhythm and we were blood brothers for life. We connected in almost everything we did together. We were identical in so many ways. We both loved pop and rock music, Michael Jackson being our favorite. We used to sing the Beatles’ tracks on top of our voices until the teacher detected us. We were so fascinated by technology that we could talk all day on it. What attached me with you was your simplicity and passion. Be it quizzes, a jamming session in the classroom, or the Colin Mc Rae Dirt videogame, we were partners in crime and whatever we did together, we rocked it. Since you were a southpaw, I was startled at the way you could effortlessly write with your left hand, though you had such a scrawled up handwriting. You had questionable ambidextrous skills and it was hilarious to see you pick up the spoon with your right hand. Life was ‘insanely great’ with you brother, as Steve Jobs would say it. I chose to part my ways with you for some unmentionable reasons. It is a sin I’d condemn my entire life. But then I track your whereabouts from our common friends and am happy that you are doing really good. I care for you. I wish we could have remained friends for the rest of our lives. Friends like you are rare gems. I wish you were a little less shy and a little more assertive. We will see highs and lows in life, be rich and famous one day like we promised each other and stand up and show the world what we are!

Saturday 20 June 2015

Boundless Bond

Even though I am walking a midst this greenery, my life seems like a black forest, engulfing itself, dull and mundane. The sun is shining bright yet failing unequivocally to brighten my mood and wipe out the darkness of my ailing heart. The birds are chirping, flying from one branch to another, which seems like the only distraction to the unholy silence.

Even in your absence I come here for walks, with the hope of finding solace and a glimpse into our beautiful cherished memories. I look around and I can still feel you around me ,wearing your favourite leather jacket, your beautiful eyes gazing at me as I tell you about my day and your delicately curved lips stretching into a smile every now and then on my silly jokes.

My eyes have, now swelled up and turned red like the hues of the sunset, ready to burst any moment like a badly timed rain. I try hard to control it but eventually give up. My tears, the only escape of my heart’s pain, flow reflecting the end of my dreams, my burning passion, and my unfulfilled desires.
As the tears flow, making their way through my cold cheeks, a sudden reality hits me that you are gone forever. I feel overwhelmed with an acute intensity of pain like a dagger stabbed into my lungs, leaving me breathless. I try to catch my breath. My hair looks disheveled. I panic.

I look all around me like a lost child and begin to run as fast as I can, shouting you name aloud like an uncontrollable maniac. Everything around me seems full of you, your aroma and your essence. Your undying love haunting me; following me as I run towards the dead end.
I look down, a vast, fathomless sea awaiting my arrival. My untamed hair is soaring like a wild fire. I stretch my arms wide open, embracing the fresh wind. As the crude, cold wind touches my face; I feel calm and a sense of serenity descend over me. I close my eyes and I have a vivid flashback of our unforgettable memories, astonishing me that life made me experience something that I never believed was feasible beyond a dreamer’s imagination; love at first sight. I know I crave for you, for your touch. Our love story was a fairy tale and I know I want to preserve it that way. So I bend down and uplift my face to feel the crispness of the cheerful wind for the last time.  

 I jump, ready to fly like a fledgling. I feel a thrust of wind below me, the intensity vanquishing me. I try to listen and am filled with profound wonder that the wind is blowing in a woeful rhythm as if mourning over the death of the millennium of love itself, crooning a melancholic melody.  My senses have ceased to exists, overshadowed by lunacy. I am over the moon, feeling euphoric. Even the thought of meeting my bewitching beauty tickles me to my core .Finally I reach my haven; at the last gasp, I smile as I know I will  find you for eternity

I gasp. My eyes are wide open and my body drenched in cold sweat. I catch my breath and try to come into my senses. Bewildered, I look around and then a smile escapes through my lips as I see you sleeping beside me peacefully like a newborn baby, tugged inside the blanket oblivious of my dreamy adventure. It was a nightmare; I sigh in relief as I think to myself. I bend over you and kiss you on your forehead. Now I retire to sleep again but this time, holding you tightly in my arms to never let go.

Welcome to Dreamscape !

Just the other day, Shilpa Whatsapped me with this idea of creating a blog together. I was excited and was all for it. Our sole(read soul) purpose is to share our dreams, fears and crazy aspirations with the world. We consider ourselves thinkers, rebels and we are truly the best of friends. The word 'Dreamscape' was coined by Sylvia Plath in The Ghost's Leavetaking,1958. We brainstormed for the name complementing the impetus of the blog and thought of naming it 'Heartweaver', 'Dreamcatcher', 'CrazyCats' and 'RebelSoul' before we zeroed in on 'Dreamscape'. A dreamscape, as I would define it, is the surreal landscape where our dreams take place. Our intent is to share that location of our brains with you. Being a first time blogger, I would say I am apprehensive and a tad bit scared. I would end the welcome note with a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt which goes like this : " Do One Thing Everyday That Scares You". Because what scares you also brings out the best in you.