Saturday 5 December 2015


“It wasn't easy for me
It’s never easy for anybody”
That’s all he said
Before he let her immerse into the darkness
Before he ran away
Nonchalantly breaking brutally
The intangible string
Upon which old memories hung feebly
She, like a silhouette, became a hollow
Mirage of light,
Without spirit, unworthy for life
Still gathering the broken pieces of their memories
While he gets drunk every other night
And makes another heart flutter in delight
But chanting the same old tale soon after
“It wasn't easy for me
 It’s never easy for anybody”

Saturday 14 November 2015

Nature Photography

Thursday 29 October 2015

Capturing Imagination

“Daddy, that’s a loudspeaker!” exclaimed a younger me. I had drawn a huge triangular shape on a large A1 sheet. It was a 5 year old’s delineation of a rusty ‘Ahuja’ trumpet horn speaker. I found trumpet horn speakers fascinating. They are conical structures with a tapered frustum protruding from within them. These days you would only find them hanging atop railway platforms used to announce vital train stats. I wondered how they could produce such loud volume that reverberated through an entire field. Dad used to provide innumerous drawing sheets and color crayons so I could portray my imagination on the sheets. He used to say “This is real learning.” Time flew, I grew.

I developed the habit of painting in my early childhood. Though I wasn’t a good painter in any sense, but I was given a small area of freedom of expression. I was given the clean white sheet which was mine. I could draw anything on it, just anything. That could be a hat, a cat, a dog, a car or any whiskery person I found captivating on the road. So I tried mastering the art. Mum and Dad invigorated me to follow my intuition and draw just anything I liked. This is how it should always be. When I’ll become a father, I’ll make sure I fully equip my children with tools that they can use to express themselves. Times will change and the medium will change, but they will keep on innovating and inventing as they would not fear to tread the untrodden.

From the past few months, I had been researching quite a lot about DSLR cameras online. I watched YouTube clips where filmmakers sought to DSLRs to create some film sequences. I was glued to how they could take studio quality photos and documentary style movie. I have always had the creative soul inside me. Always wanted to create things with tools that I found enchanting. I had stopped painting long back, and was very idle since past few months. I didn’t write for the blog, didn’t research on anything new. I wanted a new passion that I could develop. So I had the urge to have one. I called dad and asked him. He assured me that he would get one for me during the Puja holidays. I was happy. I was finally getting a new tool.

By a certain turn of events, dad told me that he couldn’t get me the DSLR. I was gloomy. It felt like I was denied my freedom of expression. I requested him if he could reconsider my plea. He just asked for time. And I had none. If I have an urge, and I train my brain that I can’t have it, then my faith on the idea is prone to flinching and wavering. But something about this passion endured it. I was losing sanity at the thought that I really wouldn’t have it. I was looking too hard for a silver lining but could find none. Being a father is not easy. Dad somehow detected that I badly needed it.

So dad surprised me by gifting me a Canon EOS 700D. My first DSLR. Thank you dad. Thank you for keeping the flame of creativity alive inside me. On our way back home with the DSLR, dad enquired me, “Remember the time in your childhood you used to waste the outsized A1 sheet sketching huge triangular shapes and called them loudspeakers?” I blurted “Yes dad.” He said, “I used to provide you them so you could always keep on expressing yourself and I made sure you never ran out of sheets.” “This DSLR is just another such sheet. So go ahead and capture your imagination.” It was one of those exultant moments that I wouldn’t forget the rest of my life.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Being Human!

Today I watched a poignant movie which deeply fascinated me. Any guesses which one it could be?
It wasn't any Bollywood melodrama piece or a Hollywood tale of romance. It was about us, Humans!

‘Human’ is an authentic movie, directed by an artist and filmmaker, Yann Arthus Bertrand; led by two nonprofit organizations: Bettencourt Schueller and Good Planet Foundation. Based on unique thoughts, this movie delicately portrays the in-numerous human lives and emotions: their tears, laughter and fears, etc… across the globe with a quest for the answer to an imperceptible question ‘what makes us human?’
For three years, he traveled to around sixty countries, meeting new people, comprehending their hopes and struggles and capturing those precious moments, making the whole process worthwhile.

The movie comprises of interviews of some eminent persons like Cameron Diaz who talks about her incredible career and shares her learning experiences since childhood. She also discloses her hardest times when she lost her father. Other than her, there were others like Jose Mujica, the former president of Uruguay who discusses about his struggles to bring a transformation in the society towards upliftment. He talks about his setbacks and the enduring fortitude to still strive for it. He meticulously describes that the true essence of happiness lies within and why in this consumer society, sobriety is essential.
While it was emotional to watch some fearless souls like Francine Christopher share her experience of the concentration camps, during the Hitler reign (It was deeply moving to see that old lady speak about their heart rending moments as they struggled to survive each day), there were others who expressed the true value of love and joy which resides in the simplest pleasures.
The pertinent questions regarding sorrow, happiness, frustration, a human undergoes everyday and their indubitable, gripping answers, portrayed in unforgettable ways will leave your soul engrossed to the core.

There were uncountable touching tales which couldn't be sufficed or restrained in a piece of paper but can only be understood and sensed through the eyes.

Saturday 29 August 2015

To Chaos

One of those days when you wake up to this eerie feeling of nothingness. And yet, you have a lot in your head. There’s your friend you’re thinking about, the assignments that the professor gave you the other day, the frenzied atmosphere in the club you’re in, the blog post you’ve left undone for so many days. There’s just a lot of noise in our lives. Not between your ears, but inside your brain. No matter where you go, the noise keeps chasing you. It’s a blurry distorted kind of noise. It’s the kind of noise that you see in old television sets when some channel goes off air for some time, when there’s a transitory rain or a thunderstorm. The channel gets back on air after a while, only the clouds in our life don’t disappear effortlessly. That noise is fondly called chaos.  

Were we really so complicated when we were kids? I guess not. We were busy watching our favorite cartoon shows on TV and were too occupied weaving the life in our dreams. We were real thinkers, and questioned a hell lot of things. We grew up when we found the answers to most of our questions. We started becoming complacent and indifferent towards ourselves and stopped questioning life. That’s when we experienced the noise for the first time. From then, it has become an inconsequential yet irritable part of our lives. While some choose to live with it, some deny having it, others find ways to get rid of it.

Who’s chasing whom? Is the noise chasing you? Or are you chasing the noise? There’s a small yet substantial line between the two. If something’s worrying you for the past few days and you haven’t been able to do a thing about it, then your case is the former. The noise chases you as you inch towards your deadline. You become too anxious about the outcome and give up to the noise to take over you.  Conversely, you are chasing the noise when you know something is impending, probably bad, but you become too unconcerned and keep on doing it anyway. That’s when you invite the noise to come and take over. 

Is there a solution?
Oh yes! In fact two simple steps.

Step 1: Acceptance. Most of us young adults lack this virtue. The first step to solving every problem is acceptance. Accepting that we have a problem makes it easier to find ways to solve it. We are so full of activity that we always stay in a state of denial. We feel what’s a little deviating from normal is nothing short of just mundane and to be dealt with casually. This is a way to complicate our lives further. I feel, sometimes it is better to freak out. Let your emotions take over you and your inner conscience scream on top of its voice. Listen to it, and not just hear it because when you heed to the pangs of your conscience, you’ll know yourself much better.

Step 2: Keeping busy. We can avoid pointless commotion by keeping busy in doing things we love. That would help in diverting ourselves to something productive. We could join a club, participate in events, play a sport or take up a project and develop our skill set by investing time in such ventures. This would also guarantee mental and emotional satisfaction and shield us from chaos. 

Have a chaos free day.

Happy Raksha Bandhan: A celebration of the devout bond between a brother and a sister. The brother commits to take care of his sister all his life and beyond, while the sister ties a knot of colorful thread on her brother’s wrist. The knot is a symbol of eternal love, respect, vigor and vitality. Shilpa and Siwalik wish you all a Happy Raksha Bandhan on behalf of Dreamscape.

Friday 14 August 2015

A soldier's Wife

Happy Independence day!
A tribute to all the soldiers and their families, who sacrifice their lives to protect our motherland and keep us safe!

She stood silently
Watching him go
All he could do was ignore
All the tears that flew
From their eyes
But he had to walk away
From her side
Because he could no more be her guide
Even though the pain was crushing him from inside
Clenching his throbbing heart, bleeding
He walked till the other side of the road
An inexplicable helplessness vanquishing him that couldn’t be cured.
He didn't turn back even once.
Because he knew if he did even once
He won’t be able to part his ways
He felt too weak to bear the excruciating pain
He knew how she must be looking at his back
Sobbing silently as the time pass
But his mother was calling him
His duty, the only way to repay the debt
He knew, though devastated, she will never object.
Because she loved him way too much
As innocent as white lily was her love
Fresh like a morning dew, her presence gleamed
He blissfully aware how lucky she made him feel
She deserved more, his heart sighed
But all she got was a bunch of painful moments
And a fake promise of togetherness
When he came and went like a wind
Leaving her alone on her own
 A creeping guilt engulfed his conscience
This time he might not even return alive
His heart ached
A brutal truth left unsaid
But he had to go for her mother’s sake
He wished to rewind those moments
He wished to turn back once to gaze at her beautiful wife’s face
A tear escaped from his eyes
As he know it’s too late now to rewind
Now he is left with only memories
All he could hope that
Without him, she will learn to survive

Wednesday 29 July 2015

The Guest

The moments of despondency
Mystifying her soul
Whirled its course
Leaving the print of its hushed trails
For him to supervene
Overlooking the scars
The wind blew fading them away
As the years passed like a cupid’s arrow
The abysmal wait for the familiar guest
Continued like an infinite string of memories
Borne out of grief
 Making her young feet tad old
Her fingers, rosy white to pale yellow
She still ardently waited for the knock at her door
Her prudence and composure grew more and more
Hoping for the guest to arrive soon
But time is wild like an untamable fire
Unstoppable, endless like human desires
Time flew like a nonchalant bird
Testing her endurance
As she craved for her twin soul

 But one winter day, she peeped out of the window
Watching the snowflakes dancing in a insouciant way
She had put a hackneyed cassette in the stereo
As she rested on the old rickety arm chair
 Listening to their favourite songs
Reminiscing over the veteran thoughts
Flipping them one by one carefully
Like the pages of an archaic diary
The cold wind rushed through the window
Making the curtains swirl in a monotonous tune
Touching her sagging face
As her soaring hair broke the silence into roars
Oouch it hurt!
Her restless heart complained
“A century passed, still whom are you waiting for?”
Her silver locks glistened in the lamp light
Portraying a surreal resemblance
With the white cloud hung in the sky
A smile escaped through her lips
Chuckling at her heart’s stupidity
She gazed at the sky once again
As her eyes twinkled
Radiating a heavenly radiance
“My death sweet heart! And today my wait will be over.
My beloved soul is waiting beyond this overcast-ted sky”
And she closed her eyes
Drowning every essence of her existence
Into the infinite love she had bore
Her frowning heart got respite
As solemn festivity descended over it
Chuckling all its way
 Beyond the stars !

Monday 27 July 2015

The Chest

Trodding the untrodden
Into the darkness of the woods
Into the blues of the skies
I see forests, birds squeaking
As the north wind chills the spine
And across comes the ravine
The road’s hostile, the path futile
As I fall into the gorge
My hope crushed
My spine quashed
Will I survive this fall?
I gather my grit, I show some nerve
I scrape and grind through the stones
I sweat, I cry, I bleed, I wry
Carving the way out, but in vain
What hath god wrought?
That I earned such pain
Will such disparity always reign?
I lose everything but my life
Clinging on like an evil memory
Haunting me as I await the fairy
Far I have come, far shall I go
For I know the end is a glow
I get up, stand up, and find a hovel
Dig through it and forth I trail
A shiny stone maybe
Odds and ends, just worthless scrap
Tons of gilt inside a wrap,
For the world I carved
the treasure chest,
Casting the grave, for me

To rest.

Saturday 25 July 2015


 A brutal face-off with the reality
With life’s complexity and unpredictability
My beliefs have shattered into pieces
Pointless are all learnt lessons and past experiences
Lying lifeless on the floor, bloodless
Yet smeared in blood
Because my dreams have been murdered
By the ruthless fate it seems
I have fought for too long
Even though proved wrong
Again and again by my enemy
Who played foul strategy
To mar my dreams
My forlorn face
Losing its grace
My wrinkled feet are the victim of the cruelty
It did on me to show its superiority
I tried till I dropped
Tried till my heart heaved
Till my eyes became too blind to see
Ignoring all my plea
The heavy price my heart paid
All the tears I shed
Still I never stopped chasing my dream
Because it was all I wanted
But now they are just shadows, deeply haunted
 Nobody warned me
 Dreams could be so expensive
So wrong I was to assume
My hard work would bear fruits so extensive
For I learnt it my way
That you bleed to death
If fate takes revenge
For the mistakes you never comprehended
And you are left pondering why everything ended
Now that’s all I can say
I have lost my power to walk
I am like the key with a deadlock
Walked miles without any direction
In sheer hopelessness and desperation
Wherever fate led me
In search of my destination
But it’s a dead end as I can see
This journey seems much longer
Than I thought
Lying on the floor
 My dream has lost its glory
Looking at them I ask myself
“Are they meant to rot”?
Broken and tortured
Like a wingless bird
For whom nobody cared
Caged for an eternity in doubt and fear
Remorseful over her own state

But I refuse to give up
I refuse to surrender
My valor is my hope
My perseverance is my strength
 I am stronger than I think
I will fight
Till I make things right

 Though in pain, not a coward
Though expensive, so invaluable
My dream
I will chase it
Till I breathe and fight with the fate
Until it bows down,
Even if it’s late
And will entitle myself to the victory crown
I will walk even with a crutch
And continue my search
I won’t be at rest
Until I achieve my conquest
I am on the quest for the light
That will motivate me to keep moving
 And dreaming
 Kindling a hope of a better tomorrow
Whose radiance will take away all my sorrows.
 Breaking me free of all my doubts and fear.
And I will smile
And sparkle like a diamond.
Rising high as the time passes by.

Monday 20 July 2015

A Clammy Day!

Here it was another day at the college and nothing unusual on sight but not to forget, the unbearable humidity which was screaming its presence every now and then. I remember I had classes in the second half which is, no doubt, not a dream of any student but certainly I couldn't afford to miss my attendance. Any B.Tech student can fairly tell how much importance attendance holds in their lives!

So, at around 2 pm, I forced my lazy self to get out of the bed, putting my much desired afternoon nap to an abrupt end. No matter what the time is, it surely feels jittery to wake up half sleepy.
While getting ready, I peeped through the window; the weather looked, at least shady if not windy! That was okay! (Compared to the last few scorching days which had tortured us to dehydration, perspiration! This was not okay!)

After I got ready, I sat on my bed, switched on the table fan which instantly added to the overall capacity of the ceiling fan and made my room quite cooler than before. I checked my watch as I waited for my roommate to get ready. I was feeling lighter and elated cause after a long time, the weather seemed less itchy! I sighed in relief.

Finally, at 2:15, we left the hostel; luckily found the auto right in front unlike some very unfortunate days when we keep waiting for at least 20 minutes until one shows mercy on us! We reached the university in no time and by then, even though the shady weather was still visible to me but Mr. Wind were still nowhere to be seen. I had begun to feel the cruel perspiration as small drops of sweat found their way on my face which I wiped unceasingly with handkerchief. “Once I reach the class, it would be a relief”, I pondered.

We reached the class, five minutes early and our professor hadn't come yet. A small bunch of boys and girls had already reserved their seats while most of them were vacant. We chose a seat and sat next to the window. But still, I could feel the suffocating atmosphere swallowing me up. A few moments passed and then horrified, I noticed that there was a power cut. “So silly of me that I didn't notice it before” I frowned, disgusted. No power! No fan! A sure hell for the next two hours!

Soon our professor came and began teaching. It was difficult sitting on those newly furnished benches leave alone concentrating on the lectures. I could feel an overwhelming tension building up as the humidity exponentially increased as the lecture progressed. I could see some front benchers trying really hard to concentrate but my mind was completely cloudy and I would rather say asphyxiated! Few girls made fan out of the notebooks including me, our only savior of the moment while some expunged their handkerchiefs over their faces, wiping off the sweat which undoubtedly reappeared again and again.  It was really frustrating to sit in the class feeling so sweaty! God!         I had never experienced so much of humidity in my entire life before. I am sure we all were wishing for the power to come back, at least I was desperately but it was not my day!

First lecture got over and soon the second one started, by then, I felt I would dehydrate alone by sweating so much. An extreme combination of dullness and utter disinterest came over me. Our professor seemed equally uncomfortable, struggling with the extreme humidity.

 I looked around and saw several equally frustrated faces. I was constantly checking the watch as my patience was beginning to sink into the sand of despondency. But my watch seemed to have gone slower or maybe I was just imagining too much. Then out of the blue, a miracle happened!

Our professor began calling out roll numbers for attendance; after which he asked the class representative to shift the class to next week and left the class twenty minutes early! Everyone gave a huge sigh of relief as we all hopped out of the class just like a bird freed out of the cage. It was not a memorable day but surely an unforgettable and itchy experience!

Sunday 19 July 2015

A Bittersweet Story

'Wake Up! You have a train to catch.' Mum was furiously trying to wake me up as I had prepared myself to board the train to Burla, my address for the four succeeding years. We had our final counseling on the following day and dad wanted to visit the place a day in advance so we could explore the campus a little more. We were all set with our documents ready. We boarded the Bolangir bound Intercity at Bhubaneswar and with our destination set at Hirakud, a place I had never been before my entire life. Although pretty thrilled, I was equally panicky and fidgety out of the anticipations I had from the land that was alien to me. I tried reading and gathering all info I could about the university and the location on Wiki before deciding to sign up for it. Dad had a friend who worked at MCL in Burla, who very generously had a place booked for us at the Guest House in its company headquarters. Lush green lawns and flower gardens, tennis courts, a golf course, concrete structures painted in white, and not to forget, a helipad. This is the Burla that welcomed me the day I landed there. We were provided a well-furnished air conditioned room that was facing the Mahanadi and delicious food for our halt at the guest house. I was literally in heaven. After wining and dining like kings, we headed to the Sir Visweswaraya Auditorium at VSSUT for the counseling process to begin the following morning.

Indeed a sleepy town. Well, not technically a town but a Notified Area Council, Burla is amidst nature’s bounties. I was introduced to the Power Channel, The Laxmi Dugul Hills and the world renowned Hirakud Dam that morning. I took pride in studying in a land this historic and without a doubt, so picturesque. It took a meager 5 minutes to reach the campus where this colossal granite built gate welcomed us into the University. I had expected the auditorium to be some centralized air conditioned hall. When we finally entered the auditorium, a flight of pigeons went rushing past the roof of this old and faded structure. While sitting, I watched over the ceiling fans that were oddly fitted on the walls at a weird 45 degree angle. Not everything that I had presumed about the university was turning out to be true. It was a little blow to my conscience. But then I don’t easily lose hope. After finishing the counseling formalities, we went looking for the hostels. We then, found Marichi, the first year’s residence and entered the hostel. We saw the rooms that were a little congested. There was some concrete sagging from the roof in one of the rooms. The rooms had accommodated 5 students that were originally designed for 3. Adding to the horror, the seats had increased exponentially that year which forecasted the hostels to be even more jammed. That was definitely some reason to worry.

We had the train back to Bhubaneswar scheduled at 4pm, which gave us some time to explore the market at Burla. There was a strike in Burla that day and most of the shops were forced shut. The auto rickshaw driver tricked us and robbed 40 rupees for the ride to the market from the campus. The atrocities of the place were not helping my edgy state of mind and were making it worse. We didn’t find certain things that we looked for in the market. The thing that kept ringing in my head was “What is this place?” On the ride back I noticed, there were not too many shops nearby the campus which made it grim. This was definitely not the Burla that had welcomed me the previous day. On the way back, I nearly choked and stopped talking to dad which worried him as he wanted me to opt for VSSUT rather than Delhi University. I quizzed myself for taking the decision and never wanted to return here ever again for life. I wished the day was just a nightmare and hoped I could just disremember it.

Little did I know that I would have the time of my life at the very same place that I had condemned the first time. I was oblivious of the adventures that awaited me and the fun I still have at this beautiful abode. Instead of being a crybaby and judging the book by its cover, I could have taken it easy. It was a shear miscalculation. But then, to err is human and there are good days and there are bad, it must have been a bad day when I look back. As far as Burla is considered, fast forward 24 months, it’s my beautiful home and I’m in love with this place. The people here are warm and hospitable and the language Kosli really sweet. Moreover it is the bitter-sweet memories and the times spent with friends that I will cherish for a lifetime. Though not love at first sight, it was love that grew eventually and would forever be a part of my life, my soul.

For the land of Koshal (Progress) :  
“Mate Burla Jaha Bhal Lagsi”- “I immeasurably love Burla”

**To be continued

Thursday 16 July 2015

The Twisted Tale

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom called Aurilia in a land far away. It was a disputed kingdom because of its rich flora and fauna. The rulers of the neighboring states sought after overthrowing the kingdom. George, the king of Aurilia was sagacious. George was warm and giving in his younger days. He was valiant as a soldier when he served in the army. He ranked up to the commander in chief in the army prior to becoming the king. He was known for his astute decisions, and served his people as the able leader of Aurilia. He had gained the trust of the people over time and everyone venerated him, although he had been ailing lately and the kingdom lacked good governance. He married princess Matilda of Vieria, the kingdom he had conquered when he was young. Matilda was the princess of Vieria which was a small kingdom to the west of Aurilia. Matilda and George fell in love and married really young. Queen Matilda had many miscarriages before she gave birth to Princess Angela. Shortly after giving birth to the princess, the queen died of a prolonging Pneumonia.

 Angela was really attractive and had long auburn locks of hair, like the queen. She had been extremely intellectual since her childhood. She was prodigious in her studies and had a way with calculations. She was also equally artistic being an awe-inspiring writer and a marvelous painter. She used to paint pictures that portrayed the lives of people in Aurilia. She assisted her father in ruling the kingdom and made vital judgments as the king had become too gullible over matters that needed critical resolutions. There had been a lot of con-men in his ministry who paved the way for thieves and tricksters to steal the kingly coffers. His kingdom was dying a slow death, and George couldn’t bear with it. The king had Princess Angela as his only child and thus, no son who could be heir to the throne. So, the king decided on looking for prospective suitors, who would marry her daughter and become the king.

He asked for the princess’ acquiescence and she gave her nod regarding the marriage. However, she had a set of clauses for the would-be king. The first clause being, the man would be the wisest of all, the second; most courageous and selfless; and the third being loyal and compassionate to his kingdom and the princess. Over the subsequent months there was a stringent assessment of the potential suitors who were tested on the basis of their knowledge, understanding, wisdom and courage. After a period of six months, the princess had narrowed her choice to two men called John and Joseph who had passed the tests on all accounts. The princess went to her father and wanted her father to take the final test for selecting the king. The king was honored and amazed at his daughter’s pronouncement which assured him of the values that the princess had inherited. The king asked the two brave men to come up to his court the following day where the final decision was supposed to be made.

On the following day, the king announced before John and Joseph that he was not interested in proceeding with the marriage and was utterly disappointed with the two men. Both John and Joseph were taken aback by the king’s remarks. The king then claimed that, however, for the throne, a compromise could be made. This made the eyes of the men gleam as they kept their hopes high. Both John and Joseph had proven to be equally strong, fearless and desirable. The king’s compromise was that he wouldn’t want to give his daughter away, and offered both the men swords to slice the princess’ body into equal halves, so the king could keep one half and offer the man the other half. With this, John said that he would be unable to do so as he was only human and refused to contest further. Listening to this, Joseph went rushing past the stairs up to slay the princess. The king immediately ordered the guards to take Joseph away to the prison. George had verified the true intent of both the men.

Ambition clouded Joseph’s judgment and he became egocentric. All he wanted to triumph was the throne, even at the cost of the princess’ life. Such a man would not only be lethal for Aurilia but equally dreadful for the humanity. George declared John to be the future king of Aurilia. George died a peaceful death. The princess married John, and he became the king. He was revered by one and all and governed his kingdom as a prudent, generous and devoted king. He put the perpetrators behind bars and the kingdom bared fruit again as it started generating revenues and refilling the coffers. Aurilia regained its lost glory and was a blissful abode to live in. George looked over from heaven and blessed John and Angela a lifetime of togetherness and joy.


Wednesday 15 July 2015

The Forsaken Soul

She wandered through the untrodden path
Not a coward but surely perplexed she was
Juggling through billions of thoughts screaming inside her mind
She pondered over the past
Looking at the familiar people, searching for a frozen lie
Time was her only healer,
A benevolent care taker
From the witching hour till the daybreak
She kept gazing at moonlit sky
Sitting on her window side
The world seemed judgmental of her lunatic thoughts
An obscure absurdity all she was
But no one knew silver lined her hazy heart was

Yet she tramped alone
Dodging prying eyes of all
She stayed within the glazed tinted walls
Away from the dispensable crowd
Solitude was her only freedom
An amicable reunion of her soul and character
Nevertheless, every night, sitting under the moonlight
Looking at the bewitching sky
All her fears and doubts would be gone
Conquered by soothing silence,
It bestows
Letting the magic of the night flow
Till pale moon blurs away