Wednesday 29 June 2016

Every time it rains

Every time it rains,
My heart goes for you
 Every time the shimmering drops touch the base,
The little being throbbing inside me,
 Yearns for you
For you are far,
Beyond the oceans,
 Cared and loved in another   universe.
Indulgence could be such a sin sometimes.
 A tempting mistake beyond right and wrong.
For you never forgave me,
 Even though I begged and pled.
A nonchalant tramp at heart,
 I stamped over your soul,
 Crushed your heart and stained your core.
My love for ego proved stronger than you.
You cried
 Your steps, wobbly
 Just like these pebbles, drenched in mud
You stumbled your way across the sea
Without a trace, you left for oblivion
Overwhelmed by strong emotions
I called out your name
That excruciating pain, unbearable with shame
Of losing you, of letting you bleed shook me.
But you were already gone
Just like the left over dampness, aftermath a hailstorm.
Cold and stirred, within
My ego died an agonizing death,
As penitence vanquished my nerves.
Years passed,
I heard, your life has blossomed
Into two beautiful beings
Except for the faint silvery bangs
You still look exactly the same
Maybe happier than you were with me
But I have kept your secret tightly bound
The secret of how much you loved the raindrops
Of how much you loved my blue eyes for the resemblance
So, every time it rains
I think of you

Knowing well, you are doing the same.

Monday 27 June 2016

Not Beautiful

Under the blanket of nightfall
I dearly gaze upon the blazing fireplace
Unsure, I wonder of what I could have been
But juggling through thoughts, I was sure
No, I am not ugly
If I ignore the hypocritical idiosyncrasies
I couldn’t have been more beautiful
Charming and delicate
Just like the blooming petals of winter daisies
As light as the downpour of first rain
Fresh and bright like the early morning
Dancing and whirling over the tender dahlias
Crispy wind hovering around me like bees over honey
Yet my wings remain unruffled
Weightless, I swim over the colossal lagoon for fleeting moments
Like a ballerina on an icy base
I swing through, nonchalantly
An amazed audience breaks into applauds
A sweet symphony cracks into my ears
I wish to relive the moments
But sooner or later,
The reverie would break
Shattered and be gone
Like the traces of light vanishes under a stormy sky
The symphony, no longer sweet, thunders like a cacophony
I wake up and am no longer beautiful, beautiful or bright
I , no longer, dance and jump like a free bird
No longer, do I bear the wings to fly
A sarcastic smile stretches upon my dizzy lips
I was no longer weightless,
As others would have said it
“I am just NOT beautiful".

Saturday 25 June 2016

DIY Home Decor

When I was a kid, I was extremely fond of cartoons; especially I would eagerly wait for the matinee Barbie movie, every Sunday. I would cling to the TV for whole two hours, with an unflinching gaze in wonder. Apart from the pretty Barbie, dancing effortlessly, dressed in a charming ball gowns, I would always notice the elegant background in awe and delight. The antique chandelier, Rosy tapestries with hints of royal purple hung in a majestic fashion and oh! The exquisite vintage candle holders, dimly lighting the wall hangings; made my eyes sparkle. It made me crave for something as charming and delicate. Strangely, I always had a fetish for antiques. The rustic appearances they boast have always mesmerized me.
But as much as I love them, I am aware that the antiques available in the market would definitely make a big hole in our pockets. Moreover, they aren’t customized the way we have dreamt of our dream home.
That’s when I stumbled upon DIYs- Yes! Do It Yourself! And in no time fell in love with it.
Now, if you want to spruce up your bedroom or give a unique look to your living space, and you are tired of searching an ideal shop to find that perfect vintage piece, don’t look any further. Make it yourself and bask in glory every time, someone showers them with praises!

Below I have enlisted 10 adorable DIYs which I find most interesting and give your space a rustic, vintage look this season. They beautiful, cheap and super easy to make. You can find the raw materials in flea markets or your nearby craft stores. ;)

1. Tea Cup Candles
Do you have an old Tea set you probably never liked? It’s time to put that to use.

To see the tutorial, click here.

2.Floral Mirrors

Time to go pretty and spring!
To see the tutorial, click here.

3. Vintage Bedside Table

To see the tutorial, click here.

4. Vintage Tin Candles

Instead of throwing them in trash, collect all the old used tins and voila!
To see the tutorial, click here.

5.  Mason jar candle holder : Too charming to resist.

6.  Magical Keys :They unlock doors to enthralling beauty.

7. Vintage Pen StandGive your study table, a new definition.

8. Edgy WindowsRemember the time when your house was brand new. The walls looked sturdy and windows cheery. But seasons passed and it doesn’t look cheery anymore. Moreover, people passing across it calls your house haunted because of its dilapidated condition. Do your windows look shabby and old? Here’s a way to make them attractive again.
To see the tutorial, click here.

9. Wall hangingsKeep it chic and groove in style

10. The ultimate quiltIt will keep you warm through the roughest weather.

To see the tutorial, click here.

Vintage Quilt

Make yourself warm and cozy!


1.16 old Cushion covers
2. Sewing Machine


 Assemble all the covers in a 4*4 arrangement, hence forming a square. Sew them all in between with each other, leaving half an inch from all sides. Your quilt is ready. You can use cushions of various patterns and make it more attractive.

Tea cup candles


1. Old colorful candles
2. Tea cups
3. A wooden stick
4. Long wick


Melt the old candles in a non stick pan at a moderate temperature. Meanwhile wind half of the wick on the midpoint of the wooden stick and leave half of it hanging. Place it on the tea cup, with the hung part inside the cup. Now, once the candles are completely melted, pour the liquid inside the cup. Allow it to cool at the room temperature. After the wax is hardened, cut the long wick short.

Décor Tips:

You can place them on the centre table or wall shelf racks. It is a great piece of gift too. 

Edgy Windows


1.       Wallpapers
2.       Hot glue gun
3.       Paint
4.       Potted creepers
5.       LED lights

Paint the window frame with rustic colors like grey, silver or pure white. Cut square pieces from the wallpapers (Note- The sizes should match with the size of the window glasses. Stick them on the glass with glue. Now, arrange the potted creepers near the window edge. Take nail and place them at intervals around the window. Make a wire frame by looping it around the nails. Now wind the creepers around the wire. 

Moreover, decorate the window further with LED lights.

Once the creepers are fully grown around the window, they will add to the uniqueness.

Vintage Tin candles


1.       Old tins
2.       Ribbons
3.       Old candles
4.       Buttons
5.       Hot glue gun
6.       Wick
7.       Wooden Stick
8.       Gift paper


Melt the old candles in a non stick pan at medium heat. Mean while, Use the wooden stick and Wick to make the adjustment inside the tin like I mentioned earlier. Click here to know. Now decorate the tins with gift paper. Attach ribbons on the outline through hot glue gun and stick colorful buttons on it. Pour the melted wax and cut the wick short after it is hardened.

Décor Tips:

You can place it as a showpiece on wooden shelves or in the bedroom. To add more classic look, you can attach some old junk jewelry like anklets to it. 

Vintage Floral Mirrors

Loved the idea of the majestic mirror you saw next door but your pockets don’t allow it? Try floral


1.       Long wire
2.       Small wires
3.       Plastic Flowers
4.       A mirror
5.       Hot glue gun

Bend the long wire and give it a shape of the mirror outline. Make the outline slightly bigger than the mirror size. Bend the small wires in U shape and attach it to the flower through a hot glue gun. Then tie the flowers to the long wire through small wires. To add volume, tie more than one flower at a point. Likewise, do the same throughout the length of wire. Attach the arrangement with the mirror with hot glue gun.

Décor Tips:

Boast it at the top of the fire place or as a centre piece on the wall of your living space.

Vintage Table

 Bored with the old geometric, square furniture? Go circle.

1.       An wooden stool
2.       A circular wooden base( larger than the size of the tool top)
3.       Hot glue gun
4.       Wood Paint ( Brown, Grey, Black)


Paint the circular wooden base with brown or grey. It will give the base a rustic look. Now paint vintage designs like clock with Roman numerical, vintage vectors, whatever defines your idea of vintage. Now once the paint is dry, attach the circular base on the top of the tool with hot glue gun.

Décor Tips:

Place it on the bed side or as a coffee table in the terrace.

Monday 20 June 2016

Hostel Tales: Diary of a College Girl

Hey there, dreamy fellas, Dreamscape is back, this time with a weekly. This is the story of a young, sparky and vivid girl techie, who conquers all hitches with her incredible wit with a tinge of humor added with a crisp tale of love. Welcome to The Diary of a College Girl. You are allowed to take a peep in, but take a good one for this is a tale engrossed with emotions, to take you on a roller coaster journey to your inner self, So grab a corner, sit with your favorite snack and delve into an audacious tale.

When I woke up in the morning today, I found myself uncomfortably drenched in sweat. I know what you must be thinking but this wasn’t the effect of any nightmare. This was the unfortunate blessing of the Burla heat. I slept way into midnight and this morning I customarily woke up late. A plausible reason of the former was my recent crush and the frightening exam approaching with a monstrous pace. On the contrary, the reason for the latter was the soul rending heat. When girls around me, wake up early in order to finish their daily chores by noon, my morning essentially begins by noon. Moral of the story-Summer makes me lazy! Not just lazy but passive. I feel like a polar bear in hibernation and I would have loved it if I was given a chance to hibernate in the cold caves of Antarctic with a room heater, undeniably. But polar bears neither have semester exams to write nor do they study hard to get a job. They do as they please. So it’s better to proceed with my story leaving the polar bears alone!

So I checked my phone. It was 11:55AM. Lazily, I stretched my arms, yawned and sat on my bed, I looked around only to find no one in the room. As I walked out of the room holding my toothbrush, I saw my sole roommate walking casually in the corridor. A smile escaped through my lips as I saw her talking on phone animatedly with someone. Must be her long distance boyfriend, Ravi I thought.

After I freshened up and gulped my breakfast that Saswati had kept for me on the table, I opened my laptop to check my Facebook notifications. 3 friend requests, 20 notifications! Facebook feels the need to notify us on everything going on in the life of people not related to us. (Not to forget those irritating Candy Crush requests). After checking the few important and the lot of unimportant notifications and saying “I am fine. What about you?” to strangers, I began my daily ritual of stalking Tushar, the man of my dreams. The one who makes me weak on my knees. I was delighted when I saw few of his recent pictures he had uploaded just the previous night. Like an obedient stalker, I liked all of them. A tint of red flew through my face. While I was engrossed in stalking my heartthrob, my phone began jumping like a spring. No I am not exaggerating. My phone belongs to that ancient era of cellphones when they could trigger an earthquake! An unknown number flashed on my screen. Curiously I took the call. Before I could say anything, a male voice spoke nervously from that side “Hey! Sanskriti, Its Ravi. Surprised, I settled myself and greeted him. Sorry I called suddenly but as you know tomorrow its Saswati’s birthday, I want to surprise her. I was going to come tomorrow to meet her but my mother fractured her leg this morning. So unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to come. So I have couriered my gift on your name so that you can take it and give it to her at midnight. Would you do that, please? “He requested me politely, I said “Yeah sure, I would gladly do it”. A pang of guilt overwhelmed me as I cut the call. I had completely forgotten Saswati’s birthday! I immediately dialed Puffy Delight’s number. After ringing for a while, a man picked up. I ordered a Black Forest cake and asked him to write Saswati’s nickname “Sassy” on the cake. I told him to bring the cake by 8 in the evening.

Phew! I felt relieved. A narrow escape I thought! Now all I had to do was hide Tushar’s gift and cake as soon as they arrived! In the afternoon, after having a putrefying lunch (though we pay the mess bills, the food tastes like it was celebrating its 100th birthday!), Saswati slept and I got busy studying. But soon dizziness began to descend over me. A very important fact about me! I truly believe that sleeping is the best medicine. Have you ever seen Superman, Batman or even Krrish sleeping? That’s because when they did not possess superpowers they were like me! They kept on sleeping till they finally got their powers. Even Spiderman got bitten by the spider while he was sleeping and dreaming about his crush!! I am not joking! This is my belief. So I adjusted my pillow and sandwiched it in between the wall and my back. My eyes felt heavy. I could see myself standing on top of a hill. A panoramic stretch of deep blue gigantic mountain was all my eyes could register. Crisp wind gently kissed my face and my hair began to soar high, freely like an eagle. A familiar voice made me turn and oh my delight could bear no bounds! Tushar was standing right in front of me. I feigned a smile as pearls of sweat popped on my forehead. My nervous heart was thumping like a rabid monkey and my feet were crippled. As I stood there, feeling shy and stupid; I realized he had maintained a steady gaze at me. Slowly, I gathered courage and put together the pieces of my sicken heart. I looked at him and all my shyness was gone. I wanted that moment to freeze. I began to take slow but steady steps towards him. Every step I took was the testimony of the deep affection I had for him. I kept on walking and walking and he just kept staring at me with his brown-hazel eyes.

In an instant, the wind stopped, the tranquility was gone and I was back on my bed from the hill top. I could hear Saswati’s voice from a distance but my mind was too muddled. I opened my heavy eyes and saw her frantically nudging and calling my name. “Such a lazy cat you are! Wake up! Its evening already. You have a delivery from Pune. So strange. You never told me you have folks in Pune. I wish Ravi would have come tomorrow.” She said dejectedly.  “Hmm”, I said resonating her sad emotions and stealthily took the box and hid it under my bed.  I checked the clock. It was 8:45PM. That’s when it hit me that the cake was supposed to be here by 8. I grabbed my phone. 38 missed calls. Puffy Delight. I called back. A gaudy voice answered from the other side unlike the usual polished one. “I had ordered a black forest cake. Ladies hostel.” I said meekly. “We had called you maam. You didn’t pick up and wasted our time. Shop is closed. We can’t deliver the cake today.” He said grumpily and hung up.  An awful agony began churning inside me. I cringed. I am her only roomie, her best friend and I was wary of the fact that the only thing that could make Saswati weak on her knees was cakes! She loved them; all kinds. It was quite evident by her heavyweight figure but most importantly she was the loveliest person in the world and she deserved the best on her birthday.

I have to find a way! I wondered. Hostel gates were already closed. There was no way I could arrange another cake. So after much brooding, I decided to make one. But the task wasn’t as easy as said especially when Saswati was in the room all the while. So. I asked my neighbors and they were happy to help. I sneaked into my room and brought my electric kettle. Luckily our hostel has an inbuilt store which stays open well beyond 10PM.  I brought some Cadburys, wafers, Choco-pies, milky bars and gems. Then we put all the wafers in symmetry over a paper carton and spread some melted Cadburys over the top. Then I added Choco-pies over that layer of gooey chocolate and topped it with peanut butter which I always have stock in my grocery. Finally I added another layer of wafers and topped it with melted milky bars. With gems, I wrote ‘HBD sassy’ in a comic font. Though, the cake was not one typically expects on birthdays; I liked the way it looked uniquely creamy and vibrant with gems being the show stopper. After 3 hours of diligence, the cake was ready but I still felt embarrassed at the thought “What if she hated it?” She might sneer at the first sight of it. I brushed aside the negative thoughts as I knew Saswati was too sweet for that. Yet I badly wanted her to like it. More than any gift in the world; this meant the most important to me. This felt closer to my heart. I had put my soul into it. When I returned to my room, she was already asleep. Meanwhile, I decorated the room with balloons that I had purchased from the store.

When clock struck 12, my neighbors brought the cake, with beautifully lit candles, making the chocolaty edges glisten.  We all chorused the birthday song and woke Saswati from her slumber.  Defying my initial inhibitions, she grinned widely when she saw her customized birthday cake.” It’s so pretty”, she echoed with teary eyes. My heart melted. I fished out Tushar’s gift from under my bed and gave her. She couldn’t smile any bigger.

 That night, as I lay calmly on my bed. Saswati whispered sweetly “San, do you know what?” I asked half snoozing what Sash?”  She said after a pause “It was my best birthday ever”. I smiled and felt grateful for such a friend in my life before sleep descended over me. 

Wednesday 15 June 2016

10 Things Men Could Do For Women This Rajo

Tis the season of Rajo, the tri-day regional festival of women in Odisha. Women relish the galore of fun and frenzied atmosphere on their mini holiday, they play on swings, play card games of bluff and 29, prepare delicious sweets and go shopping with friends like there’s no tomorrow. Although it’s all good for the women in this fest, the otherwise shy Odia men get shelved and hide into their deep slumbers during the festival as the women enjoy all the fanfare and the attention, so here’s bringing you 10 things men could do for the women of their lives, be them their moms, sisters, wives or friends that would make Rajo equally interesting for the silent majority, the men.

1.       Treat her like a queen or a princess: Trust me, they are truly the fairies in disguise in our life and they grant our wishes, so for once in a year this Rajo, take a break, get into your genie suits and get ready to grant her wishes.

2.       Go shopping with her: And don’t just window shop, indulge in a hands on shopping experience with the ladies, shop for clothes, accessories and jewelry that she loves. Come on and lift the bags for her.

3.       Get her that much desired Mani-Pedi: Take her to a salon or spa for a relaxing sauna, facial, massage or a Mani-Pedi.

4.       Order a gift online for her: Could be anything ranging from a book she wanted to read or a decorative candle she sought for her bedroom. And don’t forget to click on the gift wrap option.

5.       Spend more time with her: Rajo is all about rejoicing the form of women as deities, so treat her like one and take some time aside of your busy schedule to chit chat and small talk with her, or take her out to her favorite place, that coffee shop round the corner.

6.       Make a swing and decorate it: Build a DIY makeshift swing in the backyard or the terrace for her to sit on and play, you could decorate it with flowers of her choice.

7.       Cook for her: Borrow her kitchen apron for a day, and make her have her favorite dish. For help you always have that cooking book or the recipes online.

8.       Make a hand-made gift for her: Hand-made gifts are special for they have the personal touch in them. Surprise the lady of your life with your creative prowess.

9.       Get the haircut or the suit she wants you to have: Women love to see their man groomed well and gentlemanly, this Rajo take a step ahead and make an effort to look nice for her.

10.   Make a resolution: Make a resolution and stick to it which would make her happy, could be one of those college habits you can’t drop lately, viz. quit smoking or drinking.

Moreover, make Rajo your own fest too, for why should Girls have all the fun? Happy Rajo to all you folks.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Ramadan 2016 : All you need to know.

The Muslim holy month of the year is finally here as the month of Ramadan began this week. All over the world, Muslims are filled with enthusiasm and felicity as this auspicious month unwrapped, putting an end to their much anticipated wait. It has a special significance for India where a major part of the population preaches Islam and celebrates Ramadan every year.

Unlike other festivals (which follows Gregorian calendar, Ramadan follows the lunar calendar and thus the date keeps varying every year. Interestingly, Ramadan is celebrated during the ninth month of this calendar.  It is determined by the sightings of new moon and at some places, the holiday for Ramadan isn’t declared until somebody witnesses the new moon with naked eyes. The duration of Ramadan also varies from place to place, depending on the weather and daylight duration. This year it has been foresighted as the longest Ramadan in 33 years.

While at some places, people keep fasts for 12 hours, at other places, it might be for more than 20 hours. Most of us, especially the non Muslims, have a slight idea regarding this beautiful festival, owing to our Muslim friends or colleagues which is that all day long, fast is observed from the dawn till dusk and prayers are performed as an offering to Allah. But, Ramadan is so much more than this and is deeply rooted to humanity. So, let me share with you some really enthralling facts about Ramadan which I found out through my Muslim friends. Ramadan Mubarak to each and every one!

The Quran Fact!
Ramadan holds an extremely special significance for all Muslims because of an ancient belief that the Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammad during this month. The exact day is called Laylat al Qadar or night of power which falls within the last 10 days of Ramadan. Thus, to celebrate this, all Muslims keep fasts which are obligatory for all except in case of illness and pregnancy. Children are also abstained from fasting. This one month tests the patience, endurance and their faith.

From Dawn till Dusk!
The Fast begins at the dawn during which Muslims refrain from eating and drinking. This ends at Dusk, following which Muslims indulge in light meal known as Iftar. After this, evening prayer known as Tarawih is performed with sincerity. Just before dawn, another meal is taken known as Suhoor. Following Sunrise, daily routine is performed which is mandatory as Muslims are not allowed skip work or education due to Ramadan.

Dates keep shifting!
Ramadan follows the lunar calendar and is observed during the 9th month. Interestingly, lunar calendar is shorter than Gregorian calendar by 11 days. Thus the date for Ramadan keeps moving back by 11 days every year.

The scorching heat!
Ramadan has an Arabic origin and derived from ‘Ramida or Arramad which means scorching heat or dryness. The significance of this name has been associated with the state of the followers during this period; Dry without food and water.

Ramadan and spirituality!
Fasting, being the fundamental principles of Islam is an obligatory ritual. But there is a unique reason behind this. Muslims abstain from eating and drinking for nearly a month so that their inner being remain focused on prayer, spirituality and charity. This promotes overall positivity well being of all. During this period, they also abstain from indulging in any sort of negativity like gossip, curses.

Ramadan makes you healthy!
Though not entirely backed stringent scientific proofs, there has been a studies which claim that during this time, LDL (bad cholesterol) is reduced by 8 percent while HDL (good cholesterol) increases by 14.3 percent. Therefore, during Ramadan, Muslims, not only undergo spiritual discipline and cleansing of soul but also get biologically healthy.

After a month, Ramadan’s end is marked by Eid Ul Filtr, when finally fast is broken. It is celebrated with grandeur, brightening the lives of more than 1 billion Muslims worldwide.

Wish you all a hearty Ramadan!

Monday 6 June 2016

Drmzcape Stills: Moods of Multitude

Saturday 4 June 2016

Eggspresso : The New Breed of Expresso

Imagine you woke up one morning, like every day and you slothfully walk up to the kitchen to make that first cup of coffee, your daily dose of turbocharger, your expresso which could finally break your snoozing hangover. All you do is put all the ingredients in the Expresso maker. You impatiently wait for the hot steamy Expresso to get ready. You start to want it bad. After all, that’s your wake up booster for your drowsy neurons. The busy day is awaiting your presence but you aren’t ready to take charge until you have that delightful and obligatory cup of coffee.

Finally the wait is over, you switch on the pour button. But what lays in front of your eyes is unimaginable.

Instead of hot brewed coffee, there lies a bunch of coffee rich chocolaty eggs!


Well the citation might have been a little farfetched. J Obviously, coffee makers don’t lay eggs but coffee rich chocolaty eggs are surely the new Expresso breed these days and have been trending and being admired, especially in the west.

Eggspresso is basically a hollowed out egg made up of chocolate and is filled with hot robust expresso.

With the chocolate melting its way down with the expresso, this gooey delight will make your heart pop out. It is a sweeter version of black coffee, with a chocolaty essence in it, a great dessert for the Sunday brunch. So to all the chocoholics out there, all you need is Expresso in a hot chocolate egg and lots of love.

Brew your own chocolaty Eggspresso!

Friday 3 June 2016

Bake-free Best DIY Desserts for the Summer

As I look beyond the satin shreds of purple curtains, hung delicately through the window; the sharp rays of sun seems muddled .With faint drizzles working wonders on our body and soul, our taste buds do crave for a similar anecdote which could delight our senses and soothingly lure our restless whims into comfort. Well what could be better than the mellifluous richness of hot chocolate coupled with the crispiness of the cashew nuts topped with the lusty strawberries, melting into the honeyed vanilla?
In other words, a perfect dessert! A ride to divinity! An awesome way to treat yourself on a lazy summer afternoon. But in this sweltering weather, when humidity is at peak, going into the kitchen; let alone bake a dessert sounds dreadful.

You wouldn’t wanna be baked inside the kitchen as you watch over that apple pie, would you?
So, today I am going to share some DIY easy to make, mouth watering dessert recipes which you can make in minutes and enjoy it all afternoon, lazing on your couch. It is especially great for hostelites as these recipes are No bake, healthy, delicious and super easy to make. Indulge yourself this summer.

Chocolate Protein Balls

A descendant of chocolate truffles, these low carbohydrate desserts are extremely healthy. The protein balls contain oats, cashews, protein powder and banana. You can add vanilla essence and chocolate syrup for extra flavor. The cashews give them a rich taste and protein powder, its healthy essence. All you have to do is amalgamate them. You can also dip the balls in raspberry powder or strawberry powder (whichever is available) to make it colorful and taste better. 
Image source :

Frozen Yogurt Bites

Gone are the days when desserts were accused of being the culprit behind high calories and health issues. This low calorie dessert is a treat for everyone. All you need are your favorite fruits and yogurt. You can also add honey to enhance the flavor. Mix them all up and put them inside the freezer for few hours, your afternoon companion is ready!
Image source :
Strawberry Mousse

This is a simple dessert with the freshness of strawberries and fluffiness of cream. It contains layers of grated strawberries and whipping cream. You can add chocolate chips over the top. Gush in pleasure as the sweet tangy flavor of strawberries intoxicate your taste buds.
Image source :
Fudgy Fruit Sticks

Get ready with your favorite fruit for this classic recipe. You can make it from frozen bananas, strawberries, pineapples, mango… it could be anything you love. Dip it in vanilla or chocolate topping and insert a wooden stick or Popsicle through the center of the fruit. You can ornate it with chocolate chips or you can go for more colorful options- Cadbury gems. Then deep-freeze it.
 After few hours, Fudgy fruit sticks are ready to be served.
Image source :
Layered Nougat Bars

This dessert has it all. They are gorgeous and super easy to make. The first step is to gather all your favorite ingredients like chocolate, butterscotch, caramel, peanut butter. Then arrange all these in layers one over another. You can add as many layers you like and garnish it with syrups and chocolate chips. You can also add nuts to make it richer. Then freeze it for few hours. Your layered nougat bars are ready, serve it with honey.
Image source : OhNuts

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Tunneling Tech

Happy advanced World Environment Day to you folks. It is our collective goal to work for the furtherance of not just the society but the environment alike, in a time when the world is going through rapid climate changes. It is indeed a very exultant day for the Swiss as they open the longest rail tunnel in the world, The Gotthard Base Tunnel, quite a feat in terms of being an engineering marvel and a mega structure altogether. Kudos to the timekeepers (The Swiss) and the engineers of a glorious European nation, Switzerland.

A tunnel helps us bridge and pave our way into territories otherwise uncharted. It takes us to a parallel world, a different universe, although not literally. The impression of getting into and coming out on the other end is quite enchanting for some and horrifying for others. Technology has proven to be a similar tunneling force for the humans to yield them from the past and land them in the future. If only we had imagined to use the internet to switch on a light bulb at our homes from a distance thousand miles away, it would have seemed like a far fetched reverie a few decades ago. With the help of Internet of Things, it is now a reality. Such is the magic of technology.

It is for some rebels and misfits who were bold enough to defy the odds and help mankind into crafting the future. There is always a lot of noise in the heads of futurists. He is inundated into numerous reveries and he is forced to think aloud. He overcomes all the noise to see the music hidden in the skipped notes. Thus I bring to you the Top 10 innovations in the world of Tech and the masterminds behind the scenes.

1. Steve Jobs and Jony Ive : Product designers responsible for creating the ubiquitous Apple hardware and software designs, including the evolutionary iPhone, the iPad, the Macbook and the iOS interface. 

2. Sergey Brin and Larry Page: Co-founders of Google, aided with development of Google Glass and Google’s self-driving cars , creators of the famous PageRank algorithm that makes Google’s search engine so reliable.

3. Mark Zuckerberg: Co-founder and CEO of Facebook. He is to date the most successful representative of the Gen Y innovators.

4. Elon MuskCo-founder of PayPal, the company which pioneered person-to-person payments online. He is also credited with founding Tesla, an emerging electric car company, and SpaceX, a technology company looking to privatize spaceflights.

5.Reid Hoffman: Founder of LinkedIn, a website which provides the largest professional social network on the Internet. Also the former COO of PayPal.

6. Braingate: A brain implant system developed by Cyberkinetics, being developed to help those who have lost the function of their limbs.

7. Abiocor Total Artificial Heart by Abiomed.

8.Adam Mayer, Zach Smith and Bre Pettis : Founders of MakerBot, company pioneering 3d printing.

9.Salman Khan : Founder of the Khan Academy. It is a free, non-profit platform with the primary goal to offer a world-class online education to anyone, anywhere.

10. Eesha Khare : Created a device (Super Capacitor) that can charge a cell phone in just 30 seconds; she was only 18 years old at the time. This super-capacitor earned her the 2013 Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award. She is using her prize money toward Harvard tuition.