Friday 4 November 2016


Disclaimer: This piece is a light hearted article, with intended humor and puns. We really respect and appreciate the work our TnP does. For the record, 2016 marks the year of highest placement in our university. Give and take no offence.

PS: If you take offence so easily, read no further.

Hello folks! It’s been a really long time since I had a hearty chit chat with you all. Firstly I would thank all our readers for showering us with such unconditional love and warmth. Secondly, I would tell you the reason behind my long absence. Well, I was sick. Really sick. Not just me. But a whole lot of people. It all started 2 months ago and finally the epidemic is over. Placement epidemic. Such was the superior side effect of this viral epidemic, that wherever my eyes gazed, all I could see was frenzied people (poor victims of this catastrophic fever) running with their CVs and even though it’s somewhat on a break for now, the trauma is alive and unnerving. Frenzy faces, sweaty palms, erratic outbursts, followed by intense tantrums and depression aftermath are the sure shot signs to look out for. Funnily, some went extra mile to get afflicted by this fever (by sitting in “germ zone” <read TnP> as many times as humanly possible)
The after effects are quite amusing though. Those who survived, bask ed in glory as if they had found the elixir of life, the ultimate purpose of their existence. And that was followed by just one thing: facebook timelines. But, the so called unfortunate-unplaced souls were left to deal with their own tantrums and disdain hopes of a doomed future.But what if it’s the other way round? Just an illusion woven by the mighty magician? Reminds me of the golden words spoken by one of my professor “Placements? Lucky who don’t get it.” I wonder why?Maybe because placement season is like a flu or a lucky draw which pathetically marginalizes who gets it and who doesn’t? Because not everyone wins a lottery because they totally deserve it. Because sometimes, dreams have more value than a six figure package. Because this is not the end of life. We are just in our 20s. It’s only the beginning. And at the risk of sounding overly optimistic, I would quote that ‘Believe that there’s something more beautiful, happening and fulfilling beyond this. Believe that even though life seems to be in bits and pieces; One day we will have the courage to gather them and weave a picture perfect future’.But till then, drink plenty of water, soak in the winter sun and avoid germ zone :P

                          pic courtesy: Ned & Larry